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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 2

Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 2

Detroit, Michigan
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i rom th ffiAhinctoa Ualva Detroit rtcjlrrsi THURSDAY MORNING Bit IT A RY ACinr ept a i Lu rr ut iwMPif! to th al to Two other southern SvoaU 4 ViuiscrvN Jin S' PERSON'S HAVING LAGS I Til I rrowr from Hi Mrh i Tbe St Louis Vries objects to the ail to legislation that it to be acted rt public boon of Jaitns agamt Mexico HOUKS KlltMMl THUNS CH DIURICLN (W urrr JOth instant trams $7 'VO Lbt Uftc 1 tn lb34 S135S7S11 It raid tint by the of this am it led If by tlile Ct itiqin ring the rights rran or property 00 330 and the ai tlleicelt of those 1 11 ic 1 1 a a li iclt to 'k oiler a full aud etiuu tenor tweet of lildo i 3 UnSv 1 1 Dj the uhole nnnv of hu empire in motion has hrtv guilty J2rt tm lA KG I MYSI EKlUl'SIA MLSSIA about Mr the fcb Jmmba th cUoikiL WiriAVlK vN rj enmmHt wh ippiiD to draft refutation thi subj ct for it ie not an much a partmAuut rClSTItlC VaOMKS Ji A 'jrtnu ui aerwloxj by I'aa 5 1U Ur I Almaev tor WHIN Lir of flrreQ iltUK Hh th fira jr4 te4 ia produced than that ordinarily obtained He 1 iiU Davia tn py Jdl BOTA 1 terwards made a subject of th ordiintice ot 177 under which the Territory of rnii iann wa pro phd in ami beeamu the basis of the hj! tival the li in ito? Trrtkiry and Stale to be Lnurd thersfrutD are to be toft to deetotoa of the jrtt and Cincinnati a ml al Chirmfo thsv niHirct eh Aurora ILolmad and other hnw blacY cp fur tippet a 1 lUihiSi HamiW to A EACTUItEKS UNhEK Guudj ratcuta ufTti to thu Trad a larc tut boj iineut of India Kubbtr Drcsnlu Couiba Tuck and Side Coinl Children Cumb Ac of i I 4 AI EKSHHrntn Viit kuru1 65 hbl prim bumwd fo bbl cainpUmiw 1 )i 6 ftkllnn ran do thh tar bt lw ream the Ito tbv In 40 709031 bG iM with laherera aU i heir homi toard their CoinpUtuU But do not content hlhueH Ko berth rcur4 nnld raid tr or frch cvtaw to i CO I LI CU MW rcfuru ekn'ini' thua urtiide ueennnul forlwvir viJt' in thia plnCd fan ixtract from bmcli lure ilia auiiiidtHi toil fi ay prove a blvesiii" ury IepertiiM ni hi relation the In dan fft uj tin nt the luu rh with Miniates hr drticMvneie tor Hilaries and inevh tHal work aM immm iffUandclicr NEW TQH AND of any kind that i 1 imperatively rtqurvd lu be iiti lo 1 all the the Unit The oil euniMauuca htch gave i ll Mitutioa should prompt to approwh it mi leaa Mr Itam travrld throQtfh UorUnd ere and open un4 rvtanditie A pirritak 4 Pruarription by oomplnl priwui at any huuruf the dy ur mgbt i Knmur nioKiN 0" Heal It We give place to a somewhat lengthy but very able artich commun cated to the Washington Union by a writer wh signs himself Jersey on the territorial question "We com niend it to the candid ptrusjl of everyAtsen' nonatter what his party predilections who ia not yrarpea by passion aud is open to otfurtctwa that place Humin Train trnui Chivao cmmeeU silk luoruiu Tran Kaul over (t rent Wfntern KcHronl At Mich lean City Tfmub nf thin nl emnct with mt Janatry V7lM4 AVanlid ST TKATIi AS vxIa and qui nily it caiiuot uifako a law bt any force whfti in amhoniy ihn fatter bl nil 0vnA It not n0carv inakea foiuvd cohNtructivti of the last of the pal rtji aph that nthiLg hljdl be 60 nstrut Io prejudice any claim" atty pat tirular Statry" aMtnniing that pi i i nvihty who buryiof thir mciirtl an mwAiee in th ir iihhoj vnunty tu a irw hdiinn m) hv le ofun uad tra na buttle are dxiiRi tn duiippointment ivm! at Eq grat truth will find iu aneburnqe wmi in the (Ufbutont ei jf vddl tsitfl aod tliHitOU An intll iH BjUirc oulv a ub jr trl rightly 1 tof Ito tn in order that it may itxt ie tLeir approval rw Jraarr 1 PKASK i EE MoifE 1 lluMi KEAUrTriH CmtunH Sale rf public lainl'i il from iHtfcelkmcvUS Bel objeetious are made in me nor popu lar priau lo iLe proVfacn in the modified bJt toHHlar tKu utiM to couUi'md in tLc fir i an a i ur ''oumr) pn ImriM nnd grniidi ur rtlu thu rdlu uf ita cmiHiiuu feuvuniy ill be i tutioii nd Iavvr anti cannot be 1ni dulou dv ran! rd naturally piiug bum the uber ur have jn niioned York was deMroyed by InwsH about $10009 take hik'lu ground The riglt ut a rnt rial Stab' to lg tolate fret ternpirunu ut and clime to Income it Our new rritiwie are no soouerorgan Ard than thtre an intlilx immigrant a ad th rhkfly frutn tbue pv014 'he oM Stat which 1 are a imilantv mp ramre and i( liuitit niKHf and ho will have a diwre to to cniuiisg it to the arbitrameot tbc ho are immediately intr ud iu aud bpou bk' fort t'ort quno Ttw wide epread territory of the VnHrd S(atr rihed with iu auinal 1 fe and natural prod octi a of il and a Country tXUbding through many degree of Lih iude and kng'tude wiih it rough marked tea tore of river and mountains and the Mukni tocfil in imii 1 7 ihi'io forget spirit and ditlkreno At the north and the bouth there are extremes but there to a nihldie ground a grat publican party a republican highway in hivh may walk in Thu clnuse in the rsuMitiit'o which gnArartn to i very Suite a lepublcm Urm of gtw rnuw nt GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY IONUON K31 Alllts KB IMJ Capital One lillin or OOOOOO JQMS MUNR0K Th owner Ot three hip 11 not he Qj "be LJ threrifuld fcurwr of the eatu lQS ijTTce aTl pki 1 to 1st firs KA I tu the propriety uf xtei ling the bouuttl ry of that State yond the limit when by poi bdity might ex hi ditR reiit from Tin: IVlllA RI HBIJl COMB COMPANY fbu cents five trancs for one dollar There to no Copp nothing can be bought for less than cue dime Cjrcvlation of Kknti csv Bask NoTra The banks of Kentucky it is said have a larger circulation in proportion la their capital tlurn those of any other Slate Tho notes find currency in uearly all the Slates of the cat and consti tute a very considerable portion oc the pap me dium uf Missouri and of the io the steamboat tride of the Ohio and MtostoUppi In I 50 the aggregate oi the then three bink of the State was 1 Snce then five new banka hsxe been put in operation and the present circulation is Ed ivas yesterday eoLftrined by Thto report ouinmcn to the people vt the United States chiefly beaue of the imp rtaue large majority of (Im eople If the itiri net to in cot thet with that dctriiia and if it was virtually HUpi rstdetl by the cotupruHitok of lb70 what earthly objection is theio to the in coiporatiun uf thu lad in Mr Doi bill We havu nu niuru ro pect the Mtoaouri Compromise than we have tor any thrr unconsti tutional tick And ue aru opposed to it nut incru ly because wn think it unconstitutional but for thu retHwti that it is nmrallv rung for Congrees to draw In through the country and way that slavery may exist on one side ol it and luill nut exist mi th othv for it to sanction tlavury in one Ciise nod rhid it in the other We pro pt'se xhit Congress tdiall wash its haudi of this hole laverv tb it the great principle of mm intervention shall he tin iUy and furev set that the Mibjict shall bo so tar remotrd from thu national legitslaturv (hat agitators will nut again hnve It iu their power to iuvulvu the Union in difficulty or danger it need not be dbgutoed that Mr I bill will enennntrr strong in and out of Con gruus 'Thu bimu elements are combining against though with vastly that were combined agaiiut the cotmiromiNu nieauies they wre originally juw The a ime elements of diseord nro nt wurk now as then usin super human exertions to rtoov elavety agitation ami light the fi imu of civil commotion from one end of the country to the ntlur Thu Sewards the GiDDiNOSKs the 11aies and the Suxneks like so many demons wickedness have raised thu in cvudiaiy lurch and appealed to the of uneiu spirits which make up the thu Ad nintotrdk in the north to tide I But thank God wo have reasca the great prevailing public entlment of the coun try i sound on this question nnd that I he itmo ratio members pf Congr from sections of thu Union ntp mding to that ulimrnt will unite in sustaining a measure which loi ks to fo peace aud quiet and to thu downfall pf sk tom in the halls uf the nitional cnpitvl are thirteen individual Ranking honps in San b'ranotooo all on one etn vt They ner charge I ss than three per cnt a month and often more The biHineas of two of them considered fird class homes it to said is ov eighty millions per ear and the daily amounts paid SvUiKtinKf reach i million The houses vie wdh one another in the du play money hundreds of thousands be ing exposed to view during business hours Gold iu slugs is the nncipal coin silver to also used Ary coin approaching the aza of Ameri can diver coin passes for as much in doe E'er liihcr tt ifi grandma rmh on embrace tin ir avnepr Im their hand in tho direction of the M'enic txirdefs aud the curtain falls 1 HrciuuU shuutud and ravt through hto as suimd characte with a buck of hlni firmness and finally denouement the avenger was at the fatetl stick Wjk given and the recipient thruf prepared a hoJ dath rcllt acris i thu sligc tolled up hi yet rolled up bissdeevev knowing the hard road he Lad to and was five minute dvmg before the brrathli audrncu hi us he as about tu pull uut good a cry uf fire was bard The dying tyraut Id up a little a philnoph auditor exeta med mind the fire Die ftn Hour cicanltt Die on Hence came the abbrei iaUuo Dion liu stuii Mail kt it be uni idered that it tin great otH)pulhtion ut uf tho Allechnuy which is i ti rat tlm thu iutclligi uoe und the wealth of this pht rv an I vh Mi is lending cwiy hour in that drevtimi The Allanite by treaty Iw tuiS'D th Stabs nnd such Indian I lure i nn 'act juticu in his Vmud i the or gmal if the mm1 uh ch il ha ver been the Hcy ur gowriiin nt to nriiiitn i ns tar usVh be ut with our own feettlud institutions nnd if it lion I so RX hvil mbcvllaneou loi vigil in rcuiirse and public dr bt I nt' ruf Ik ubiuua ad ludian) Again: there Lu been ouu pnat made by tw contend ng part bv conoid rate inruof all i ntu th in the com pruuitoe uf 1S5U now rwgnixd bv the chneiluitury measure tween thu who wercex cited by the views Inch poltical ingt nu ty mi both sidis 1 ven to the a rvOoncilii Uuii which united men of both parlies in thu late pres dvutial ti with the mii lcj uf alhu nog tu the final sutilviueut of tins Rvcry quolaai Th fact that not only the derruVraue ptrty chelle Erance The nnminafion of Sulmocrs as Consul to Kuihluii Ins uut yet been Rent in though a cuutnuv Htateiuvut has beru ciivnlakd luV tvrf In rvltoctiun Iu both ft if It rtni not nUinvbatluiu tUr country of Uuk Uu Awywr rr to iho cause oi Civil liberty which can mirx i where la vs are impK that Irive n't the on gmal sanction ut tin rj wh are tli wiibjota I tluni who can have no voice in their eal a principle that hv deep in the heart uf cvry ValciHiiir nl IVholoalr MIU ES I GRAX LI" rai to mwu HMiror lm rlr 3 py KI HOUl co i iarce arrival new i muks at Afawbfal tu Couthutka Mxn IfloslrAtvd fabout eight inehe fa id Th will warded hr leaving tkiu ut Mtuic ol Oi'KILAGliy foot ot IVX6lr Nd IMruit JunnurvRU Kl 4 thu guvrnunriit of the Papal State touching a mu Moii to the lTnild Stale Th private eah lr taken up and the rv ma udtr uf the dy wa it eonfdra tiun when the Senate adjourned until Monday I ird 1 lard iuge oil the 2d ult ga it his Kb ati ju a' Cuiiiuiabdu in Cbit Of the Bnttoh to Coiigrrw fbr greater pcfMl than lulu it shad eil as a Territory and by vrtue alone uf be ng an equal looting with the original Slates it hn th prntk ge tu pa ta' li indeed CuUgreaB CaO bj oduf uf kfa QU0g needful rules and regukUuis rwp vliig a Territory of the Untied State mtke ab olnte law ta continue in Groe to theyghMl be ad maied into the Uniuo to wluil rxUut un nut the lir inment tun It to to lie it td theMple the onte ct legitimate power lLtli mun 2S ifi ii a i iTk i DRUGGISTS AND GROCERS I IS favnn might ive taVur the cit Ztlis ot with his dtocuursre on thu Problem Datiu for a Ivch sum than 1 oa th ipy cd th ua Sh ct which i duu to vested ghts iMjIiiical ami natural an! the influence they have detcrmin iiig tho future ot a Suite Tl to thto sXml member of the Irkli bar Ji oil the od ut Dear Dublin at thu giaat age of year The Petersburg Expiess uhrutncles tfio ut iunah a negro woman ow ned by lady tb it citv at thu advanced age of 12o She died of particular isea' but sank under the ex haustion incident extreme old age Shu ut word as in cantradRiinciiou to territory an independent Stale longer bebtng ing to the Untied Slates but a a im mRr uf thu Uuiuu A dvamce in Gc no So great La beeline the demand in ihs country for guxno that Messrs Barred i fc Bro agents in Baltimore ot the Pe ruvian gowrammi havebeu iatrcted by that guverumrnt to advance the price of the aitkle from £4u to $50 per ton In vkwof thto advance Italumore parv are calling on the United Stairs government to devise xniw mean uf rvducine the price 4 this necessity they term i krt ut a empire huu trade cmmrcr Hurict inMrutn ut trtiM LouMr brace Jlc Choice 1'aiuily rocci ics AHrtlrtea AU im uxrbate4Mdj rep utJ 'J'jm AVuobt Go doh 'formerly of State recently dfl Pernambooj The Tonawanda Dilot 'the Niagara Rv er from th sin re to Grud Island i entirely froz ii over a iarcuuwtance which baa not occur tals of Congress Gib September GJour ml ofCoiigr BK 1 UthOctubi 1 780 lamd ul Uniu States iutr Muc tury chapter 1 United States Igiwa page 452 I Baren's edition 2 Ptikinto History chapter 1 1 pages 31 35 36 to a State govt ruim tX Tu say tl at ha thu pow prribe to to dm larw th a the eq lc shall I imet lbernel ve I he ry pr whi4i tlmy would pruril ruLvrta the tint prindpk of ib lu'ion may be well to inquire the can of th uiu nit it ou the subject at this tune to reason to appnltlid that im urgumei cm be und to sal 4y pirits determined nt all hazards in 4 finiHje of reason rnnk cnjt'il from ert rj meaaure prentd to (k ngns bv rasing popular clam The port afibrds au tx eh ut upjmrtu ly tu Tight up thu war fire in uur gnat eili wh re there to always to (bund fm I ebuuph fr (rerun hencu to to seen a call in New Vfk a uual by men without letineiM rr of Pty lo preset io inviolate the Missouri compeomise9 Phi ifivVcmcut to unduubtdly an Irum ur the fdUtii in cash and nvu million io ba rrrerv ed for thb payment of Neither the tHrav the Sloo grams are in mrn thutnaty and thegnat portion fthe five millions will probably Le io alL fy ing thnre inter in ihtso grant uriht euidirmaliuu uf thu stateim nt I made a diy two since iu rtg irJ a moveimnl for mgu I dynitoty in S(ain fun Loen iicetve i here to diy Disp itchv from MrSoi le indi cate hia knowledge uf thu plan It to conid red by ih se conversant with the matter th it thu blow has alruuly been Huu hol Wont Xo 3 Arthur KLWOOb A CO 1 It i in thu hdn Tunes that it to the iutt iiiioii of thu Briu GuVcrnincnt to rats th number ti and mar nes for the currni year to about 55 5HI men being an addition uf abmit to thu number last year lltu holo iiicrea 'u 13000 im The total force ill then be Mamt atd boys aud 15 500 marines Thu whole numb of steam vessels of ar IKiclud tu be ntluit a few iiionths to 45 1 his to in addition to the large sailing fleet of England Beft rriug to thu fleet hi thu ieiphurus thu lines says Uur nnuaiiknti are still of a limited charac ter aud cannot compared to the stupendous aleuu Monday and without any add tknM pro visions Iwitijj ccmnnd It wur amud that Geat ra Almonlthe Mvxiefan Mitttotur luu ttuihorhu the siatemunt uuu rwmi uf whch ap euud iu thu Hermd uf ymrRy frtwii Rwn cvrrwpond nt re that he hd to c)uuge thu treaty to include and pruvidu for of tbv llrld i iii ru Detroit Advertiser bad an article an i he Nt brukii qut 1 iun the sense ot hich eau by the following interrogator Speak ing of the coiisequuuuu uf thu abrogation ut the Missouri compromise it asks: wo not have some other ambitious aspirant coming forward with tho next Presidential term snl proclaiming a a new uue the rejeal of the urdiuauce uf 1787 If the man who wrote that is not 3 calf (speak in 1 comparatively of course) then we have never studied natural history The ordinance of 177 to already virtual'' repealed Michigan ia a part of the territory to which that ordinance' was ap plied and may not Michigan establish Negrolaviry hv people so elect VX ho is to prm ntt? Michigan is jiut as any of the original States and Congres has uo more puwtr over Ip domestic atTiir than it ha ovtr the do me she affairs of Virg uia This tact alone if it does not prove the uncun stitutk nality of congressional inteiveotion in cune ms of the Territories show's its futility amounts to nothing lam anv word without iti inioil ium thu plain language ther luic if that ulfaU right tu make needful rub and rrspec ting ih tutritury or other prp rty belunging tu the United States" the inm nl it territorial hill nt CnliRr riia by a distinguished uu rnb (Ihn Pn tnn) uf ill'll and which uuv the chief ground of oonirv sy pnjl( isil he in territorial bond are nndr opprwion ur fathers ml uded brjiig try American if do the on It was a bitAwi wide plulf rm Popular sovereignty fides with ike pruple 'The priticqA) that the army Emin I her Tant Uta) I ill The ct ufictur malt aud spirit uotn liquors to $41U 755 The liquors ot alt kinds annually produced firnmmt to about 1255280 gallons The eutum gruvc rs Charleston are nearly in the pinion that the cotton crop will leu 2 5(1000') IjiRs HNlTKrrsT of 1 Erie Gazette to rxtremely rensitixu regai1 to statements by Buflalo Cleveland and other p'p rs th it thrtats of personal violence had been uflvred to railroad directors and thu families iu quencj of which they had fled (he city Of statements it denies the truth ihatthe people of the borough are of character and would nt be such conduct la thu name number uf zette which contains this denial to a paragraph iu relation loan Erie eoi spend nt of nNw Y'ork paper thu views expressed iu whose letters di not coincide with the tone of popular sentiment in tho from which he writes Tn this para graph i cours thu following ideotilv fUSpecltJ and we admonish him to Icxik out let in fiis ease vengeance be taken in a mann which shall afl'ord tangible ground for the charge of so freely bandied at cur Wo do not know what in the opinion of Erie edi tors may constitute threats of personal violence but we do know that outside barbarians gen erally will the brief extract we have given from the Gazette a ctaarly dr fined a speci men uf such thrtats as is usually made tylft uf A TrofabroUoA A TKnwpKlIHlE JNU KOBKItTSUN Detroit ebruary 11 1554 2 A TROYVIIKI i A 1OK AGE HIODL'UK CoMMISM'LN AN! SHIPPING MEKCllANTS 9 7 MM urn w4f to tho rvHtabB UWP i "tat lUtln'lC Vi Caofor I 542 whre in 'skibs of prvVBv0s in iLt traty if by Spain to Cuite1 State ot the ridae (bv wtieli inhaLitantf thw TcrrtUrv are to be iiK'vrjo raud in the L'niou if the LoiteJ States aJimttrd the i igb and immuuitief rn a as cunsirtebt th the principle cl lie ti tution) tie observe 11 They (the inhabitant) 1 isl bare in the cwivrument till Hluraia h4l tx cune State in lhe mean time ErkJa continue to be 3 Terr i (or of the United Stale fvVrruuJ b) virtue of that ulaue vt the o4rlKul ii a ha lt enpuer Congress lo make neiiol role nol rwmlatn ns rr cling the territory slrr prop erty te4oogiog to the Un le1 Slate' TLa 1 ciak'D ha been qUtstkbid by tile) itit yublcA jurmta as tu the propriety if ext tiding the i wer ot Ceogres urn the inhabitant nod ti' territory or land only tu which they mi it six uM be evlflu but huer this be de teriniDud that decisajo fsv the pwr ot ogress be continoed bind ng elht wt to territory or inhabunta Lr a lunger time than it halt reina a Triritary It fe But Oectssary ctMileoJ lt the rsign tj uf the States created frutn a Terntrj a he A specid i to ba hel in the Slate ufXe iuriiuulhe 13th lost upon the question ot tb proposed aineuJneut iu relation to theca motley ere opposition to agitato 1 1 agi ki to trust bat A mow It mo fa lefal if jniix HnBl KTKON large English german 2230127 7 f3 j7 11 I 1 A "i I lit Aik i IrTl iTes Ht Vl H'? Il mhI tor unto I htilMut iu ijLtf Bru ronMwll of I tint hit Mh Ir Cloth ItMvUB ImhI) O'i rlfMilY Th IoqI wXrH rlxoa uf production which hau Eiijrltoh rcptiou of Mr Stow to ttanuncialui Vr fault LnUi plrt it ju VQ bl KuUX VfauvUjui rench Yellow VU awurUMl Laaop Blwul putty Mtuliiig Lmd uhvm nnd frt'tn itee uf ublc Budimg an Ouunt uf the cunirirta md in hit fiRe during the past year wbivh ru refit fed appropn 3te oouiiii iittH a Thru privatu SuoiUc bill wrre then cumin Uud Thu HoUfU rcdvrd d( into Gumm ilex' ut the 'V hole the private ouh tidir ntid aQerw'ird reported twvnti ftou biT tu thu llouvu A dvUtilM hfuj om au fapiutidmoiil Uoti uf the private Ito aud wiiIhmiI doiiu nny bui lien of fa publk lUlufutU thu 1 lvu uu rllaes front ihiT prtafafaUwal ng it ettlnr rr fir fn labor imm! leaving no dirccetkin kr thx who can bt uniertjud tu pt! I and iiMal itu ut iher wq axHiunL they art prepared ntr the Union and hmdiog leg stath iu that quarter where it should bw frvwiv ixviuto'd if shall bind iieif 1 ndn rubber etnji udapud tu iik re uses than any other single article of manufacture the last oj which is its eouvtrs on into combs XX have a upcmwu of the article from the manufacturers whose advertisement ill be found iu another column Evry variety is manufactured and lhoe which have much semble horn though more beautiful and siJ to be superior io that article should thmk they would enter very largely into puRw consumption Tin cmsI culy one third as much a Buffalo horn th right UWUiUUlAJ vVUwu tblUl 1 ji NflnKrmj Bi tCnwiKiit or iAlTAHi jt JSLW' I lMfy KOOK VKhS 4 rvt LWm ON E'lfUN URICI Ki I quality plus hfnfl tor a KOI A Ixiss cr Lifk by ibs The dwelling bouse of Mr Jaktis Pabksb the town of Okhtnd Oakland couoiy was distrojed by Gre uo the 2nd ult and witMit were cooumcd four children of Mr Pabkea the oldest ahoy about four yars uf ge The children were alone io the boose at the time of the fire their parents having gone to viait a neighbor bring aboat half a mile distant aoa TBK Abut A letter train the Sant da ted an' 13 aayt weather at this point ia The work on the Canal progressing finely" nivd ited but by placing the poA ut lati'n nt iu rightful source Thto view the question would appear to be vntnl wtth ibu pirit ul the ronMiiution with it appropriateness tu a Tt rnturv and the future fare tu thu Lute country Thu right of Congress to dtopre of and make rucvived any nwh aiuhwcity vr any other on the ubjrcl umbractd iu il led irmu iu bTLat pTuVaoU which a lkn ih Cabin hivv tik exception raihrnhAV wlio en put fort'f IU pliouablv wuha biv to cover otli objet ous uie hitlurto ntce ill nu of lla tub nu'rh the Stai niTt oi the receipts ai expenditures of the Uitild Stntis for the ipiitur eliding the 31st lecember 1633 (cx lusitu trust funds) Urcat IV OPEN ROM INISOR(ifT''3rnr Sroftt tn Niir alla b1 Ggliing 352G pounds llirec fout tbs an inch hi thickness aud tie mile hi length was stn across the Hud on from ort Washington to ort uu Saturday week Miss Adelaide Phillip the fifth Amerieau who tins within the Lust few jeafs succeeded od the Italian stage The clanrePor of the British exchequer during I sear iceJud 2175 IE Gd fur GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY HA 1 M1K ARRNiiap' uilh ll rokwl art1 prrpnrwt fan th limit filcH hiL ton kothiuK I i Wk A SIR 1 fauo tar mU Uv ft JS AH IT! I nt 1 1 ftto gr at importance It one tht iruvtde Gt the suppression of fillibu terhig txpedifimwfrmi th ti tei States iuto Mexico Il stipulates the Ulbf rUlfaUV' with Kx irw Trua Ur AJtativ A i tow Tra will run Usinnt tlifa rn nnt fCr lhu Lbfgu faiio (ia rvfvrvuct? tu uct 114 'turKX Territory that nwl ifivanon t( the bill let eu fatteinptei Il huli be regarded a a Be cum promise rather a carrying out the principle nnd eprit if tlio uumprwiiiuxo ut lb0 interest and fueling twei right ol prujK rtv aiui right vf tejMtiru thu TurriRry but oiiu which umiiiot bu of any gnat duration and which ac rdmg tu inum nny readily bu mJifiud or alt futuiu may deem uonlornnble lo oni fiirm rights uf piupvrly So it wan in Mex ico so Utah and 0 il to in Cdiirmi 'The event whrrh Lave occurred in the htotnn of tho last Turntt ry ov nclu ivey th a uitabk uebH (he trim natural rctutal per miituig thu IcisLitiun uf a Statu fur iUelfi JR tliuir memorial when Applying fr adimwsiuD'iijU the Union tin ny Riion uf nutter and ave nerer existed in the and to iIm re nt rally Im Im veil to ta prohibit by Mux icm laws cunscquentln thu igmal dift iiia pnlatton is utterly opu to If it had been olburw i' the conseyuence would proLabi) he lrMt lb Cinipitf fl Km IH l9h I Xlll Ohio aud which as a learn 1 jurist lerve has ever constituted in mivt runpeutA thu model of all uur leiritonal gov num nts and to remark able its display of the fundamental principles of civil and religious 1 he fourth Itiuda iiiuntal article uf that ordinance provides that the Territory and States formed shall forever re main a part uf the cnfeh racy subject to couHiiuiional authority Cmigrem evidently meaning that uch States should have tl lame r'ghta as other of the cunfedeiacy 1 he fifth article af er providing fi the of the Stales has ihto langnagc Such tot itu rhMl be ftdtnitled by it duh gates into Con gress un an equal fuuting irith the original 1 without any pn i ege of making I art ht uiaut intu'Sj unices by vi rer vrtam contain iu it Th cikfplut hjvttrrr deKw not touch lire qitkn 1 i Usikiv wfl aLmitupxn other gisumda the lroprttCv (al lire language uf the report) if cla mud i Rive uxclm ivu tie to all the I mR within (hKid Lt uulari in pitio to vri Statts wh uh instoted upon thu then Wrhtein TerrdutV being reecgtnsud fl the projielty of thu I 'iiioa aud are told that the title to rl errituriuj was a chum! uf the fir gieit Jivniwu ot popular opinion in thu United States alu the dcularition of indt pend nee the Territories of several Slates extending md flint lv wcsiwanl and when after prut rack RL bate Nw Yuik in 1781 urren durd a part of her XVtst rn Territory and oth Stat followed il was upon the repn wentat uu and assurance of Congress that tlm cudud tiri Urv should bu nqod uf fir the coimnoii bun fit of the Union and fiirnnd into republican Slim with the same right 'oj snret eignty9 Jreedom and lnSS5t755 Let uf and 14 11 Wrro from PuijaClat Eluridupiial iu vetted in New Jersey iu the man q'JlE MICHIGAN tit v'U'l now prepfart tn lunosh later th ir wii tnAiiulitelur In aitv qMht eq nil any vr Int rrxlwrM in thw Union hlfwli Jrftrrn vni u7 7iTf7iT 1 i eki 1 i i in half bbl u4 Milla fur 1H kia HlUlteirs in quabUliri li mnl (r i I jn jfaJ 1 1 Aiu KR'H MAtAZlN Er6i HM''f 1 I At JWA A Gre cnrrel in Tiffin Oli" on riday morn ing hat by which the carriage shop of 1 annest aui lirkEe utr the river at the wc i Mar ket street re totally Jctru)rI Loes abnut sj iMHj V'nnnest $30110 ami the br Je2000 The nne ee River i liigL than it hv been Lr it yiani uni stern cJinniimcatn ti nt Clat i cut It is fare1 that cumiJeirablt prop rty ill Lu lut XAUU Liir 'uV twd city win ii i Leun engig in the surveys fir hq auroefa the Isthmus DirLn states fhat he Ilf di end a new route lr a ct nd autos tLe Glhiiiu which will requ re only mdi of entt mg A hirge lake hitherto unkiiuwii 0oirijMi8 a part this new inter oceanic coimiiu nicatiuii Mr Line mnd rs that thto route is far pref rable to the or mq utbei tetlumat) route The fitooovery is rluinlj a val uable one if it proves tu Lu all that is cklimt kr it Mr Lane returns to ihu I ihinn to survey rift IMnl hwi ta throwpk Cni an lit liHfi fe n'll 1 tfo rT fu inUirtt uur (lv 1 dt'imtf ntbvi uulit iraUKl fur Unn hi CahaJ rd'in a 'aW iuvuioe rN 1 A 1 aaa I The Daily Inquirt tf yesterday sivs: Tha Detroit Erbs VASRa would insist upon it ami persisted in publishing its opinion that ths Inquirer was tube ami would bo a neutral pajer notwithstanding our assertions to tho contrary The now trnct it opinion in an article' the tone temper an I lan tgo of which is a suffioieiit eertificateut our at Irosi of that pacr" 1 hat tart an I the Kint now know what tho loqutrrr'e understanding of indepen is The term accord ng to its eoueoptmu is synonymous with higism ami frw tmil Va undrbmd then that tho Inquirer ia an indepenlent hig free svil pqx All right Wo have sueoet ded iu mak ng itd tine its petition and that is all wo wauled Go ahead now ami root out lha Advertiser tta fast ns possible nf by nurniii train 0 EAHito ips ten to 1 SI tili'Ulinc'h 1 1 IN 1 KTItOI AT KDltlt Ai IMI lillTVt Unit AresU brn in id a uuL'j ct uf jKihlival tliruagluut tle Ufiiud tween th advocate tf mural faclon and thvy ta hare cnu tided for thu lawfulness ibat liu iilu'ivu and a preut pud leucy tkiLkicvd in certa lm si such nvufal ctimate blendrd rth mure or leu fiintiictoav mu 4e aud uu tL 'oil er a ein ug uc4 ut ju rcv 2 iu IJ pruteciuuApeAfa uf ptopuizy which i thought Lu adapted to ih regntfi imatu wlwre it A fi acd to exit Uy llv s7U'ii ust fine ita adoption ut the vnrk iL 11 of it now mutkt tu bu rtvoU' fa i etK iu3dirr os tu xrrmt nher xirw to ue promitientiv gratud iuto tli coatiutMu uf uuy uev axmJ Stale ur which can mtofavd from any arena of putcio dreu4uor Il bo been found rather to be a wuvemrut mean dmiraoiiug and dvidhig party a kmd 4 takmg b'XM to aerve the parputs ut fcietUMv Ladera arxl iLu tu have becuute more subtle in opraiKii' By their report it will be mijhcxuuJ thu country as to pul the iu fa gr Jpgre't nut altogether ut rurt provided the bH frames! eoofurnaity to it be paired irei ubuo manner on ct privilege wlulu it de fcra to that vureiga right exiting in the Jwe uf the Sure to tn I fi their guvru metit respecting slavery Uh fu d'lie great priuuplu Las Lccti nluii I1 fur to thai elax ry to fvrevtr irohbtuJ by the i Huri coiuprorrv act uf Ixh and tbit such pruhib lioo cannot now be altered an 1 it is to ouiri the vrAr dgU'faon of th matter a it a may be best adapted tu the'r habts and the new country they tcupy Ender such Cireum tan there will te a feeling revni Aueutuwhit uiav lx deemed an arbitrarily im jKed la uu wm auihurty may bu in any wuie dcutaful which wll nerve to keep alivoa root uf tu ruATw amuug mwi ui all Kirtr i jutiluuy uf bUM righte iu other States which it will be must difliuult tu cxt rm ttalu The epinl and dtMre lo uuVcrn unlives is (d tlioee great principle wheb among olbr pnlucud the tevulutiuu Vu max th reaaouabl con ceive tfie cxpiduncy leaving vpc thequttan finally to bex tth! bv th who are 'ite quali fitd I dMpjsing the subject it relate to This uiut crivud great attention in the de bnti uf the Cabforma vouveutiou of 1819 to form a Constitution Lurein there wa a Urge pruKrtiun uf nirinb from laveh lding State who venttriHy unted ith other in giving thu character if tree lab to the then new horn but Nothing can be clefirur than that the national ilenHxjraiio pjriy at thu close uf the p'avery eilement in 1850 settled down upon the doctrines Nichrdbon ktU The prominent and ettartiuul doctriuo ut that letter wua that Guu poefH no power over thu nubjuct uf ala very ih the States or Territories and that any legittlatioti iu that Lvhalf i uncunafitutioLal anl void The compruuiiso rnefifiurea adopted in 18 0 were hied upon thto doctrine Oo of the coin puuent pnrta uf those rnea urg in'rud two ter ritories in strict accordance with the principle of the Nicholson tier Government were consti tuted fur Utah an I New Mexico and lb subject uf falav ry and all other matters affecting dornemic inim pt were left to the ru of the nihatetauta of such territories The ooinprumne muasurr a hve ben gi rally ennenrred iu a finl etltemeut of thu i lavrry qutbliun tor as the notion of the Gun Itov ermnwut ut oonctrned lh Lgtolation in organ raing Utah and New Mexico Loa been regarded as precedent that should govern all enduing terri torial legifalatinii The principle involved did not affect Utah and New Mexico merely but overt1 thu whwic future policy of the GuVt riirnenl Ifmcti wiw nl the wop if the curnprorniae meaurca then we have never undertod them nnd they wei only leiiqiorary expedient of but local significance If the principle involved only extenLd to Utah and New Mexico then have their coiiM'qiieiiee been immensely overrated and they were no eHtlement of the riavety quuntion But such wa their rebpo such (heir intent and Auoh their uuuseqiiencu A Utah and New Mexico organ xud iu thu aarne mamitr did rneaM'irex nnmfatakibly determine) bhall all future territories bu organized But in reapuel to thu present question at issue a raid'd by Mr bni'Gias? bill we go back uf and above thu cnrripromi tor rea or tu determine the duty of Congreaa We stand wh re wu havu always st xd cpon the platform of tiik NjchuLsma letter lie deny to ('on ges the pntreT to either establish slavery ar to inhibit il in a Territory or a Stale 11 Con gruw tn lo the one uridtT the oonsi il can do thu ulhur and wll to realy to concede that it can AlablHh slaver any In re Jt ar tor i then if the currrctnoM of Gen ducti inu to uuuecded that the isemuri cnrnpronitoe Las nu Lin ling force wh that St is in con travention thu mi i tit ii in ami vuil dimt Gen doctrine to correct let us The Mtofauuri cuinprurniax to in the following word in all tlint territory cede by ranco to the Lnitod Staten under the name 4 Louisiana which hex north of 3G deg 30 min north latitude nut inclu led wit in the hmit i of thn State on nt urn plated by thin acl slavery aud mvuhmtary uervi ttidc oiht'rwho than in llm pun tahinont of crimeswhereof Uu parlies have been duly Ci'Qviclud ehall be and hereby i prohibited In lint In ritory luro ihM rb'd slavery anrl involuntary rvnmlu in roliil)ittd Nov tho wor'l fori vt umiw ncooriling to Mib ter ekiu ly through mllcfsiigi In the fiuiof litis prohibition not withstanding tlintCun gru lints prentrn la say slavi ry is prohib ited fufevrr III this krritory who doubt! that tho rwimrnt turh terrilmy is rrctrd into Slate nlavery may he rttablinhcd ami lhai the Mimouri Compromise iu inoperative to prev nt il 7 Such States will come into tli' Union on an ttalily wjhh llin original tiies and will cnlr ly ore veiqa all power will reside iu the people there of except that hieh is (1 to 1 1 io Uen ral Guv erntm nt iu tint mtslit ut i of the United Stille Congte rit us all i'w power from the crnstilu lion and where is them any niitliority iu tlm uuii Btitlltiun for Cttngrisa to niiltcr estahliah Or abolish lav ry in a Slate I To thu extent tlien that tho C'oiigrou of 13'20 altetppled to prohibit slavery rrrj the terri tory ueVrd by thu ihi Ui i mprumise it is oh viuu that the aet ia of iiioro force liit mt act would have been to abolish slavery in South Caro line Nii'V nil that Mr I tot bill dons ia to de clare mid the decltirativn is in accordance' with common renHii mid ronimmi aeuae that by lb principles uf the compromise of 1850 lltoMis uit ri coiiiproiiiiao was eiiperaedial and therifore Jhat the re enticlini nt of tlne in the Nebraska bill tenders the Missouri net iimp ra ti ve nnd il tin tiler decl art a that when Ntbraskn Applii for a linisston as a State ahe shall bo ad mitt with ur a ithout eloViry Usher umistiluthm shall di termmo itttconrtitntionaHty cT Cungrorsinn il intir veutiun in the domestic nfliits of the tirrituriis' has been argue I by vastly abler prna than ours aud tho rightfulness of the doctrine baa na we bu wtinwR A RToN's 1 3 It ho e4 thtn noltno h4 ot lh C'HICMIOAla xt VTa Oil of all Ktxt'3 nyy tiss TtovxTio' i Tliere will lw a donalmti visit st the hoe of Kv Colver ou tVshiuntou av enue ou Thursday six uiuc nr st 21 iut uu which a iuu he will bspt'jr to hl frienl Hr or ler of th Committee Moxirn: Cnirrri Nu A aax'h1 ouiumuui ration will hold thi evening at air Hr order Tt K3 Wo know the fact be that tin original Sial a Lave been and are at I berry to establish liras with apct to si it rj and involu ntm airvitude IO it be au id with any pn priety with any ol juHtce that a State when out uf a Territory which has such a perpetual it juuetiu upm it can be a lrintt un qunl footing with lheorigita! Stat a in nil reap'd hnover And if he ordinance ill pry provided tb1l there shall be neither lavry tu involuntary servitude iu th 1 Territory the 3th article ol that document and the action Con gress in 170 may £uide us in a true con troelton of the 1th article the pre iit eouslitutiou that it ia fr ikitig all rules and regulation Tert ituriet in tur rd it is applicable to Tetr lories i nly and nu Stn es organized from them in the govenment ui Inch Coogr canut interfere the wa rd as la fute observed havit a peeul ar signification a one ot the niuu We are confirmed in this view uf the subject by a drxsia oii of Ctiaf Justice Marshall in The Vrleans states that tie obi gittiuiis of various kinds that were due in that c'ty on the 1th of January amounted to $2349 S39 and were all promptly paid The Rochester American ays that the county' of Munroe priJuee rK re wheat yearly than the six New Eatrlaml together The of San rancisco aud Sacramento and the State ot Calforuin are all deeply in debt or as ooe the pipers expresses it Ixttee deep ia gold and over head and ears The caloric ship Ericsson is now lying at anchor in the North ver prepared to go on a trial trip New maebintry Las been substituted throughout and the proprietors are confident of tho fullest ers bv Mexico and by the Il staled that Senator Smith Csuu iuu uds ttluirnw mg Irmn in and engaging in the ooppr iniuiug bud UeSS The Garr suntan nbolitioniatB held a meeting in Button the other day at which they dacussexf and adopted tho following resolutions Resnlreei That slavery is a denial of the self evident lits cf human existence an 1 is therefore a wrong which no being body creed or circum stance can tuke right Rercdved That we reject ths authority of all books creeds laws an i commands by whomsoever written adopted or enacted which as sert the rightfulness or expediency of slavery Rerolred That we deny the existence oi repu diate the worship of any being as God that justifies the existence or perpetuity ot slavery Mr R'dtiM Cafirmallon Mr RrnriKLD was confirmed as coll ctor of the district of New York by a voce of 3 yeas to 7 nays Among those who spoke and voted hr him was Gen Case He received the voles ol every democratic Senator present the seven in opposition being given by southern wbigs CoMMCNtcaTioNa We have two communica tions ou University affairs which we shall make room foe within a day or two £Why iu a blade of grass like a note of hand I Bucawe it 'w matured by falliag dew rritoiy or other property belonging to tbe Lui lt State ilenve! from the xi sbtutwu to necu arily a rm uf liinitateu in its phrax oL cry Ltniita'but ak mptary per which to L4ved as so xis ths Territory to toimwl into a State which io onv svitao to sneer eig uth ha iiietil uf puwt to imiku it uvvn kns us oo ns iKuomts a memte ut lhe Union thu word bring rrCXpitoed by flecufiun vf our flrrnl Su preme Court tin haviiisf peculiar hiJ Itot nutive IDuBIi tig which eXCiUthto thu rlliiri'cMl UllLctht) given tu it by writer on th4 law uatit (Hep burn vs Elizry 2 Cranch 122) It chiiihm then! to puiceivt! wiili any proprivty that il luteini 1 that 7 ugr sbuuld leg slate fir all me to come because b) the eighth brctiuU ot the Miarjuri lumprumtoe it dt c'avl that beyond ihtriini aiiivd in it Mattery nn 1 tuvoluutarv set vitu Je houLi eclu lel fnerei" 'Ibto leg futurity eau haruh te aunml fruit the interpret itioii uf the la wrJ in tin se ntence Lieb LuAeVc imJcurm natc in it usual mwnmg iu it legal ae tat on lieu applfitl to prujK rty million mu! a the Church aul eoimncn pt rations un a Mule urthy of ibe campaign THE EaRLY DaVS BuURCl aul The Lsfingtni4kri dramatic lecturer I tarn IL rcicault one upon a firn the Ruck and bitkin armed mnet aspirants tur dra in He tante always ilh a tremendous amount ot London prhaps aud cubhdeiice Hi Lis abrhl Ou liiLt uU LeTu eSsfiycd the nc ihnuchaR that go sb nit ihrt nch a mehMram i cursing rVrfybudy Lbinkf prr widow hiring fourth lx villains to murder pxr babied and kicking up thunder generally a is usually the vu with ih sc monsters At theclo rite drama me brave Ruting hern ulmsM mother tot wifi pr iidma Lave teen fuidly uruuged sairi ill nters aod drscs a te pistol through his corporation (it the Eurtign advicts received a few wutki tonevtal tlut the imprcBBittli wits becoming prevalent in I rent ntam that thu disgracefully dilatory hii 1 non committal courae of tho Englioh govern ment in regard the Russo 1 ut 'fell rpit tion was attributable entirely to tha lluMtian prouliviti of Prince AnuKkrand Ix rd AaeROEE arid that tlie former of those parsonages in ha zeal to ad ranee the intcrel of Ruaia ha 1 been guilty o' practices tnoet dir putable in their nature aniotig ethers tho breaking open or the causing to bebroken open cf official documents io relation to oriental matters the seals of whob should have i emaiued inviolate until the papers had teacla the hands of thoso membersuf the cabinet to whom they were a ldressed The contents of these doc unt nte possc siun uf which was thus oblaiutd were it is believid communicated to the know I dge of the Rusdan Emperor to the detr iment of the inlensta of the Ottoman empire 'J conduct on the part of Prince Aijsxt is properly viewed with intense indignation by the greater portion of tho British people a large majority ot whom it is well known are strongly in favor uf iho Turkish side of the eastern difficulty and ex in mtly desirous that tho English government should take a pruit pt and derid Hand iu that tub ilf Among tho many ai teles which have appeared in British publications allfd out by tins belu in the anti Tuikibh machinations of the ti net consort and the Prime in is th' rs is one in thu January number ot Hack wood' Mag azine which is supposed to have been written by Sir Abciiibid A Litsox 'riiisartir'IitiBposess ed of great weight both as appearing in tho ac knowledged chief of British periodicals and as being from tint pen of one ol the ablest writers 1 the pri sunt day In this artie'e it is Confidently serti that if England bad acted with vigor in ihu ginning the Uzar would nevr have crossed the his hasty demands on Tin key would hve Leun quietly fullered to drop aud a general war would have been averted But the tmiality or he vy ol lie A son iaiv eibi net induce Nicholas to pnh matters to extremity under the ide i tttat Englund ould not ri ly inti rlere and that ns rance would not ero to light a'uie the Sultan would have to Btiecinid At prioent it is to late for Ihu (Jz ir tor treat at iist with honor nnd war apears inevitable 1 ho article is very severe on Lord AurHOi sv and evi speaks boldly out ngamet Al bert though ilhout mi ntionitig the itaiiio It lellstlie Premier emphatically that if he is wil ling to a Turkey dismembered ns Poland wus the Euglisli people are not I hey at all events it save are not disposed to ril by idle spec a tors whilst Russia is extending her frontier tu wards the coveted It adds signal onntly They will ask and that as Boult as th shrinking and irresolute ministry are compelled to luce Parlinm nt U'hy it was that a British fleet was sent lo tint waters of lite Bosphorus was it support Turkey an 1 if so what support was It argues with a convincing array of facts that front the lay Russia seized the Danu bim negotiations ought to liavi ceased and active war begun for that every It ur then has been lost to the allies while it has be II so much gained to Russia inally Hlack th nks that tho ainbitiuu ol the Crai has larged with the apnthy i the Western Towers and that Ito now perhaps 'erully tins his cveou tho total Biitqiig niuu of Turkey partly trusting to sow iwuilt England and I rance and parth hoping io the goal offiees of Auekikkn and Prince A lb rt A a for A ustrii lilackwood regards it merely as lhe trxal ot Niciietss and predicts that it will iu the end openly take Sides with Russia Th 9t AlaMi1 JuLuo t't i a Coii Hand Worth ia tL ffBUl DHfUil Ui NlMAft AD liUih xuh! pcJx uf fuUru aeiHM but lliat they as ell u5 a L'tuat pvi tiouuf all irtiu hul ru nlvel to julht re tu ilem a mi aUjii Uftcnt uf il fliculiit nfleetini the nation at luret anl seen Hli Ils pOK'C libit qiiiuilii tMi to a Licit aUillfotot'l) that las i tLi nature to bu pa mM by Cunrv tor Trr lories IkuM bk temporary an thatLent cuiiLi Liu bet ii no pn sumption that law thu iitiuro wvukl rhmd to Ln I a 1 ifij to thJ hprit that Lriathea iLiuurh Mi itt't LI toorr ip sMaw M'j I ritiGii voi 2U0TDNS ijiiriE 1 hlRll lu mUs 1 jz 'I tNTUAVtlllllif)f4En Hl mTreaiY Madi REii 1 )uJ 14 for 1 ttlHtkPI1tK pr rei reeeutafiv and it gravely stated that thee sign here iinprcprh to limit the act of 3re llr tbe ry evil tu be eutn Clntnlnr 3 blt 13 Tluktnx tvonX Jt Ira to B'it hrlr liuera Be Oller at tu Us ere Jto Qi I 1 1 IS KyfiM aud for rtity 7 lit nt VRB A J2il I ZU Wwlritu fpitN TH' (UH A ND STARK Ml 1 1' id fur te to 21 ClIkMH BOttyJ braary lIjul Casts tto 28AYa Bk RALPH WALDO LMKKSON I ta Bt j31 LOOIL PHOM WASHISGTO Special Correapoodewca of vb Tr WaBtllSGTOWT Jun I 5o The indication of treuuoas pposiihm to tb Nebraska bills increase ialy Indeed the the bill begins to be gnrded as wue hat doubtful1 Tliere are mamf stations a di it ion on the jeirt of a portion of the northern democracy to withhold their supp rt from the bill which occasion tunic apprehonton of i defeat Ut entertain by some of its friends Hw wide spread this disposition i cannot now be eertained but it is certain lhai a large portion of tbe wing of the party wi I Vote against the measure Il is said no that three iiouthero Senators Messrs Hovt( Litx and Belli will oppose thu bill htcfausu It viuiaUM our btipulati with the Indians in incudibg portion of their to into in the boundvtes (f the tic tcrrttcrie Twr CtaTTONaod Bafxrd cf 1 Mlaware will also vote against the LiUafa will Several bur them Senates Itowtever lbt ss rumors vf opposition to the bill are but rumors alt all When the nif asuru fairly presented Lr tbe const Jural Congress and has Is en fairly diseuieed and fire cted upon it is hardly poBs bla to live that the democratic will tail tn sustam it No Jf miznat To IS true to the of his arty can witllold hB supurt from a measure which rec go dis tinctly BUS of the most impurtiot of princi ples the right of people of the States to control their owe domestic As to lite defection in the democratic ranks in Congress un this qnest ou I question after all whether it is so extensive the enemies of thu bill repre nt it to bu In the House the bill may lose votes vt some of the New Yvrk democratic deleg tlion who are inclined to free soil nlimeuts 'Ihu rest uf the democratic representation in the IItuw mj far as anything is known uf their opinions uu tho subject will rent rn true to their party In thu Senate all the southern ith the exception of those 1 have named aud a uf the northern democratic Senators will without doubt vote for thu bill Besides this thru will bo a large whig vote iu support of the mea ure in both branches Still it will Ie necessary to con tend with a powerful oppositiou wli i will a vtil themselves uf all their reuouices to a cure the de feat of a rn which they think is fraught with evil 'The ptugiCse uf the struggle will be deeply inn resting Th re is tvv ro dr ubt tint Mr vfoen really conclude a tiealy with tvrs Asabik1 that ha brought it home will him Il in said that ilia ITesidetit is about to nd it to the Senate which 1 doubt mt will ratify it willtout delay notvitlist Itidiug there will be an tlm I to procure its defeat on tho ground that it dues not secure to us enough of Mexican territoiy The tiea'y duet si euru a most aluablu slnp of territory including as Mr fi i i ta rays valuable gold adv quickilv and copper tnitira An important route to California passes through tins territory The treaty further scurrs to us a joi at Adas iV on tle Gulf of Caliutnia and it rebases ns Irom the i tli ations if tlio 11th article tlio treaty ol ltd dope ilgo winch ol itt Ugh lo secure its ilicat territory wu pay twenty millions Tho age manufactory of Hill fc Co lire uu Insurance Thu Supreme Court yesterday announced its position on the cas which have leen brought be fore it involving the validity the liquor law In the Collins case the Grt argued the Chief Justice announced that the Court was equally divid there ing four Judges the opiuiun that the law is and four adverse opinion The Court is to have stood on the question as follows: or the law Judges Gr CRN Johnson Mzktin and Wmrrt ngaint it Judgcs WNOPBA rr Dolglajw aud Curm Two other 'case had been argued and in con tf the absence of Judge CorRLaNi their hearing there was a majority in favor ol Austnining the law Tho rffect of th ia state of things we suppose be simply that the' caws lx Eure thu court nre disposed ofi but no decision arrived at and tluit tbe whole question is thrown back upon the infe rior leaving each Circuit Judge and every Justice of the Peace in the State to exor cise his own individual opinion in regard to the valid ty of tho law If a case her after corm up on writ of error from a Crcnit Court where the law shall have been decided constitutional ot course a majority of thi retntinitig Judges ou the Supreme nul will the decision and cite versa The 'ounBequunCfc is that thu whole matter is in inextricable ttortlusi We onr dieappuit Intent at tbe resu We had not believed that there was a single mem ber of the Supremo Court who could by piwsibili ty view the law as a constitutional enactment had not thought it porablo that any portion of tle court ootild virtually termine that th legislature has the power lo aboli our represen titive system of government and establish a mob uuracy We shall bu a littlu curious lostu the written opinion which arrives at this reulL 1 S1 1 zz ttv uy nrrM tN TiuwTitiifntw Ut i IT i toll Itri Bill fOO New' "lie IW I MI all bu tr ly i i ri man mow riwolebv jxa fi Milts THE MlliMll 17x77 ur 77te Tuiden nnd wlrr oftitutionr Waifs Isfitm I Vvi ft eltaiw tl Evwuju A Co MiK CHITIITSMS 0 TTCtTrn Bank Stuffed The New York Contmercfcl of the 25 ult tho botes ot tlie Public Stock Bink of Belvil re New Jersey are tl Town ont by the brokers hie ruing This is a un til bank under the neral law of the Stale iau a eivulation un tho 21st cf December last of only a more than jl I in fir the re demption of whcb there wire abundant securi tiets in the Lauds uf the State TuREiTrvrn la or a few days pat the Mre twi'pi R'ver nt St Lan Ita betieoseJ by ice Cousid rb a apja'c lie uon is felt by bunt uw tiers intLal city tor the safety ot their on the i pening ut the river and a meeting been held by them to devase wane tiMaua to escape the threatened danger Tub 'ivaxcbs Mkxioo The report rd tbe inance DerwtuieOt ol the Government uf Mex ico ahows that the ruin $1060120 ut revenue waseolkcted by the reneral treasury Bod £1 0 111 13 expended by the same dur ng the ported trtm the nth of August ISoS to the 3vtL uf No ri mb A Iang Eailroad A project is birg about for the coBstructiuo A a fran New Orleans riu ksn in Muasseppz Helena io Arkiu ua Sl Luu in MB eiuri tbe proper towTS ui lwcs and St Paul in aowotl to the mouth cf St Iron a ver Like Superuu Ohio SrTa Anothr caucus of the tiu rata" members of the Ohio Legislature held ou riday last Th irty seven balk to were bad the last ot which rraolteJ as follows: Alien 31 Many pnny 3t Pugh 11 Med ary 10 Cor win It Burchard 1 A London wrap manufacturer has patented X'l 1 A i.

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