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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 3

Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 3

Detroit, Michigan
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OR SALE TO REMT Hzan that ever afllicted wotai seen the back of tooth totokOMOMOOt Mto tLoCriodtar aor tyfoer horns ending June Monroe elusive food order Daaiel laker 1 South Market au which A Boraarffiable Co of Catan Caue ir Radical Caro it had become one of the worst and the slain albatross uautity to 01s rom the use of the flrat bottle of the Radical A nor the America' been loaded with timber ahe ton our world into a barrawwaeta waler loorl bet aueceeded in reaching Baalt St Hamilton Anna Wicker Rile Mathews Rose TO EXCHANGE SPECIAL NOTICES IS AMUSEMENTS of the arm line and ha one foot more beam' JIISCELLANBOVa vllmatmt to their 1164 eaofim Myarsaakad for a larger number GROCERIES beewpan pettoU head to foot and throat th deck breaking tha been resting after their tong and laborious marches' ao wing to my dutiae here I am unable to bo achoonar ellowmaft railroad tie Coataworth'a ftisdenbtfaltt hs wfllauviro Wing lumber Alpena to baa notified or fcanai he wflt addreaa the red ribbon men of demsod MoGINNTB Auctioneer eleven ounce was caught by eHowell ameai 3t anacre snd a half of ground mtoand jp teR ft will aMtoftaOy uner toe plahd of ihi aaauatr Ik oA Ukto ihl ensIw ta ftMtaHteLn oTj 1 1 5r A ipMoon an ln to to eaeridee rx re Utotovtaoa ft a certain well read faraaar pursued a certain practice did not poh at me and any he was Staple and ancy Dry Gobdak Cloth inc Carpet leer OU Clothe No government clerk a liable to be dls New Beaum Thunday the ataamer Bteiabo vlaltod Toledo and took a lead of corn thick The New York etrack the America on her starboard quarter crushing through her aide own to advance that aaust' be Proved true whether toe facts asentto indicate too wo A A vessel owner at this port states that at two on the night of the 13th instant the range light at the Bond Eau failed to cast ita raya upon tha waters of Lake Erie He alao aaya be la creditably informed that similar naw propeller now being completed at Buffalo will bo ready for service about the drat of Boptiwnber She is already planked and ceiled and her arch poet have been set Tha new craft will upward between the pump and tha mast hraafrtas two or thra of the deck plank 27 aleoater Interop far 'Buffalo Tha achoonar Noyes la discharging eoal at AKuaement Advertising Bataa The tallowing retro will bo chaipad for advar beforo ate proceed on bar way to CIaytonNew York for which port ate is bound ttetrcraftA: aM vf Ctausro on Laxn Information was received at thia port yesterday that at one o'clock Thursday morning the Northern Transit Ormr propeller City of New Yorttj Capt twelve bottles and now experience no return of the discharge nor any of its disagreeable symp tom besides enjoying unusually good health otn inh rod and aU dlaordaru brought on by indisen tion or err uro Any droggiat tea tha ingradlaeta Addreaa Cor Amort Victims (vocal) Lambillotte Piano Mias Lizzie Hamilton Distribution of premiums Mia Lizzie Quigley to deciduthe os to Bomney: Sweet Home Ktnge WW 1 HVktoMW Bn ders: Catarae Oowaro to tstCoibocae Kel sad so on with long string nnmro who had boon victimised by signing vary Ihe schooner Nseland which went ashore Thnroday the tend Peche Iglgnd wa rood Bat the fact to that tte elevator oompanto hare nothing to do with tte mat ter of boreUiut Tbe price tote pskf for thia labtw We select tte following cases showing how friahtful this dieease may become and as a con vincing proof of tte value of Banicai Cuna as a reliable remedy for it cure even tn ease or tte greatest severity We regret that from motives of delicacy the gentleman Hm Mimm to permit tte use of hl name: Cun No ll toto to the ease of a man tn tte prime of life Who had contracted this dlseaae asuceeaernl eoucatorqf laalam tMr toe management ofProt JLJ Bdydutetkto Mdd tU UNftta tte outside plank of thaGaataaoa tte starboard bow wees brotan by the eolltoion Tte Teaaprot loatten feetof tte rail oftte forecastle deck on tte atarboard bow canted away by tha apntaaU jsiof tte schooner A thick fog covered the! lake at tte time of tte accident Tte eeboonar BreHne CaiptJ Jamas hod a tatartilng3 and yaerioas lightning ex partenea on Lake Michigan Wednesday nlghtj Bte was 'bound from Chicago to? Alpena and when off Batina and well Ont in the totes' powerful cumnt of electricity struck tte main tte articles on tte elevator charges recently pub Hsted In Tki awn Puns tte Buffalo 4etter of tte Slat Inst editorially aays: otter chargee having fallen to the around It to now asserted that tte Buffalo monopoly inaist upon charging atesm vessel gs 90 and aril tseroorary rebef ftom any medicine I ever triad nuae wank asn while snffsilnii from tte worst attack I ever had I procured a bottle of Sairyonx' Bamcax Ctng yon CarauM Tte relief from um ob toeeourtoo eountry to th tteaontoot to YeOnwetoBe IXBRICAJI SOT CAPSULB Metallic Bored Good now ready Address VICTOR lijlAlGEK New York 15e3 mal5 3m meaced filling repidly wten Capt Leonard imme diately Leaded terror the shore attodng tte beach about fiftean mtae above Whttafish Point and six hundred feet from shore A heavy northwest sea carried harstm further on the beach Tte tug peck with a pump and lighter tea been aant to ter relief Tte City of New York left thi port Monday for Duluth and intermediate 'pone and waa lorded wtth railroad iron and supplier She was boil: at Cleveland by Messrs Presley Stevens in 18S3 and'reeetved extensive repairs in Igft Her measurement to SM tons and eteratea 1 and according to jhe Insurance Begtoterter valuation thia year to about 18000 Tte achoonar to jowned by Thos Hood and A Muir of Chicago and parties in Port Huron A Much President of the Northern Transit line arrived in thia city from Cleveland yesterday forenoon and left in tte evening on tte propeller St Paul for tte scene of tte disaster In tte af ternoon te received a dispatch stating that tte propeltor would be got off in twenty four hours if waatherwould permit Ptesan The following vessels pausedthia port during tte twenty four hoars ending with 8 last night: Bound Doww? Propa Wtomhickun Argyle At lantic steam bargsa Bose and two bargee with aebr Sarah Jane Michigan and three bargee 8 Sheldon and consort Mayflower and con aorta Enterprise Germania and consort Sparta and consort Hale and four bargee Mineral Boek and two barg tug Belize with sehra Parana Jane Bell 8 A Wood Pride of America 'Castle with achr 'London Albatross and two barges Hector with sehr Webb Gladiator with schr Bentley Kate Williams with echra Upper Delo DeWolf Johnson' A VanValken burgh Schr New Hampshire Bound Up Prop St Joseph Philadelphia and consort Passaic Montana Japan steam bargee Mary Milla Graves and consort Belle Cross and six barges Hackett and consort Cormorant and consort with schr Goshawk Annie Smith with sehra Eliza Turner and King 'toga Kate Williams 'with achra Donaldaon Dudley Pelton A Richmond John Mar tin with achr Bruce Groton James Norris always to fiad not whol faMtocto (their dlgea tiom to too active for that) but to head ahlaid of nuneeroos 'crab and catendUars I waa much interested tn Mr Carroll re lation of some lightning rod humbug practiced on toe people of Lawrence in Tnn in Pages of last week and a I waa read ing it and wondering if farmers would'" ever get wtoe enough' to restot the oHy tongues of such men an old lady one of our acquaint ance called on us and apropos to my query on this apbject informed me that her husband and seyeral Qf their neighbors bad been down to Pontiac the day be fore to settle up some fraudulent insurance notes given to Chicago compny some years ago Her husband had paid ffl s2d want to carry on Ils arras nww nn 1 lUadcinh nXzzZ! a a McLaren Wood Monroe Music Izat Ccnfeningof Diplrunm By tte President Prof? Report of Examination and address ing insurance agent liariv incentous one ecmnletriy cured ase My head tea svSmZIv reaa frere mneana tiona my breathing easy and not a symptom of I know how they fight potato hugs at toe at the Agricultural Crilegw wants to know If careful research has proved that the Otaw aon wheat ha anything radically wrong about it Thia farmer what I denominate a man of faculty He ha always carefully stored up every bit of Infonnation that he could get from whatever eouroe and employ ed in hi practice whte he found worthy I like to talk with him for he know co much and a Oeatrsl wtarf loading staves for Buffalo Tte steamer Marine City to adverttoad to leave thia evening for Mackinaw' sad Intermediate Moa on fourteen feet draught of water 5 'Tri Along Thursday afternoon the fine aehoonsr Annie Vought was sold at Chicago under a saortgag foreclosure Th vessel ini started at fiBOO and was finally sold to Ctea Parker for 89030 subject to claims for repairs amounting to 8K000 making tte actual cost of the vessel to tte new owner 813000 Just previous to the panic tte Vought was sold by Capt Packer for Mwxn sTo Lat A movement to on foot to secure an agreement to ly up all vessels In the Saginaw River lumber trade for a period of twenty days with a view of increasing tte freights and prom ise to te carried cut each vessel to lay up at ita hem port aad remain there twenty day so ttat tte vessels may te a for apart When they come out aa they now are Csmstiow or Wobk Engineer Leavitt who tea teen engaged tte past tiro month in the blasting operation at tte Ume KUn Croaaiiigs waatathecltyyeetardw returned to Am heratburg midnight laat night to attend to tte closing up of tte operation at tte Crossings fol lowing which te will go to Alpena to look: after tte dredging at that port lx Tte tag Strangsr had up steam yesterday artemocn fo( tte flnt time in two yaamt 4 3 Cuanna Tbe tag Baltoe and William Bott leaves Detroit at 8 a returns at 11:80 Ms JB 18 MSl a "ASHLEY A MTTHltLL Agta' Six companies of tin Twehty aocdnd In fantry are ordered to th Department of th Lake These companies al hav per formed so hrt dutle last winter cortinff train between' CHendiv and thi 1 post distance of over 100 mfla Two 1 compude and wr at to battle of i to Wolf Mountains where they bravely htiped to gilnt A Ttftb 'to defeat anemia that charged this devoteddrtAi mittidl MrwMdiMtaftp to tofanftiMP anil TnnxnnMniATon or rancor woum vriniB ogug Ano tTh aaany wm rd at to neant: meHng of rmt growwd bt Oohto Hsvaai and 1 from to 'pan of fktrt Al Cook thai TotitrtlnsB Tam aw Passe coneepondcBt at Toledo writes June 81: 1 The schooners Hartaril leetwlng and Greene "are at tte east aide dock toedlng lumber for Buffalo Tte schooners Will isms Maize Lyman even if banever baa read "now uropa liiow or Chemlatry of Plant and even if hto eantencea are not grammatical or fuH of Latin derfvativea to toe re sult of tola aclasulflc fanning you mayaak and I ana war that he has a Utile better crop than any of hto neighbor he has a good deal better methode of work than any of hto brother fannera He to what to Jsteanaed with lut WehMS JL Tnainw nenlntor WiUo toe' preaentatlon speech and gSStamrewoaded on bbMof the eoea Thursday wharf to day for Chicago aad way points i Tte tag meeting which waa'to have teen teld Thursday failed to com off owing to a lack of at tendance Tte propeltor Canisteo to billed to leave' tte foot of Second street to day for Green Bay aad inter BMdiate potato 1 Tte propeller Brtchy is advarttoed to leave thia evening for Saginaw and way pointe from tte foot of Wayne atreat Tbo propeller Oawegatchte of tte Narthain Transit line to billed to leave for Chlcaffo aad way ports thia noon Tte wrecker Monitor lately pureteasd by Jaa' Dost Id arm to at tte upper dry dock racriving a gaearal overhauling Tte ferry boat Eaaex still UM tt Walkerville in utter Idleneas or quietness yeterdy was but a repetition of tte day before Tte propeller Idaho to expected to leave' this morning for Buffalo Tte achoonar Cecilia Jaffery arrived up yeaterday forenoon loaded with ccaL Tte propeller Winslow to advertised to leave tide evening for Lake Saperior Tte steam barge Vlctorla to the Detroit dry dock receiving few minor rsorir announced toe foUowii onnmaor 1 to engage at ouee a traval I vreilacqnalnted wlthth OM" Ita Ctond tea hie left hand chopped off Bunday by hto little slater with an ax cTh stump wa amputated at the wrist but the poor ted Win recover 's 4 Jackson of Constantine to proud in the poeaeteion tA 'a four legged chicken Two of the leg are perfect in au pertleulare pud Jntoj then nil eem wwnvm SSSA3 trusted by practieel aaen wbo aata earn a living on their forma far from it This man" ia' quizztngm every timer I meet 'him how other farm tub Kdroinoi or auccnea I have juatBsetaitoh trite to quite a rarity buoy and tte Canada Beatham deck aad within flOO fort of tte wtarf tiU at tte lower sad By so doing they will avoid all danger of atrikiag on the The Rochester cemetery to said to appear to2rt odvantage at twlltght The Oka Indiana are not all yet They want aU toe righto of their forefather Nothing new from toe: created Pierrepont this week He to the same anob he was laat week 1 aong of the jail casually marks the Herald 1 man In many Bo to the song the soap maker There are two dry good clerks in Detroitrho paint their cheeks and blatoen their eye brows on a salary of ten dollar per week Dom Pedro say that Americana aa rule are riouchQy dreeeed He jotted that down directly after being Interviewed by CoL or ney A Michigan: underfakt hangs up in rikia shop the sign': you see what you want ask for it It la a pleasare to show Muskets of the old pattern are to be given settlers to protect themselves from Indians armed with sixteen shooters Nice old gov ernment this Sturdy old' Dr Johnson said It was a deal better for a woman to paint her own face than to blacken another character but some women do both 4 The laws of lorida are very generous to ward a man who has lost a limb and people down that way are not the least Mt afraid to fool around a saw mill A Cleveland sportsman shot times' at a decoy duck In Detroit River before he could kill it Some of these wooden ducks are hard birds to lay out la all that is needed to' do says the Cincinnati Enquirer Pass along a few national banks heaps of confi dence in this The excuse that a man waa too drunk to know what he waa doing wash In the New England courts He gets the same sen tence aa if he had been sober The Rochester Chronicle suggests that the reason why ex Gov Bagley drive a horse is because he has boils The Board of Health will please do its duty Awholesale grocery firm In New Albany received an order' for persecution Whether the percussion cape sent will do aa well remains to be seen Justice trot ever four miles an hour but she keeps going The wife of an Albany sewing machine agent has eloped with a druggist and revenge for you red Douglass has revisited the home of hto childhood and found the old nurse who used to spank him She fully believes that the use of a shingle made a great man of him 's It la said that a widow who weepe is a dan gerous woman' A widow who smiles is also dangerous and a widow who neither weepe nor smiles will have the reputation of being a plotter Of course the engineers' would report that a tunnel between England'and rance is per fectly feasible No 1 one ever knew a civil engineer to go back on anything in the tun nel line England has three new ield Marshals The youngest la seventy four and the oldest eighty eight and it will be nice to see tbe old boys chewing hard tack and backing up to toe mouth 'j it rather cheeky for General Sheridan to sit on his shoulders in Chicago and remark that there will be no general Indian war If it be saucy like to know what he knows about it No money waa raised In Washington for the relief of discharged Government clerks are charged as brick makers and their discharge has no more sentiment in it A benefactor greater than Liebig has ap peared in rance He prepares food so con densed that a half pound package will last astrong man through seven days No re spectable family should be without some perimpa a aeconu hub aasy aiao saowiu out disturbing toe rows of stalk which would act aa a barrier holding the leavae and enow aa a proteetlv mulching Mr Monroe toonght the question making a return to tbe soil wa a very important one: and still believed rye to be the crop to sow by August 1st and then turn it under toe soil about May 1st tons returning a goodj quantity of green manure to the aoti There to no doubt in my own mind that thei exhaustion of the soil has mor to do with' the dreaded peach dlaeese then! is estimated' The famous peach belt of Michigan is more limited with the year Thia to largely due to toe change in climate produced by denuding! toe country of ita timber but there will be no peach belt at all in a few years if peaches are continuously marketed' from the orchards with no provision made for retiming to the soil toe equal of that which to sold in market Tha question of fertiliser must force itself upon the attention of the people on the lake shore aa it has elsewhere and unleaa they give the right kind of a solution to it they will be aflllcted with th yellows and what la worse poverty stricken land of the best makers in Detroit ffrsMich ave je23 lw rTbuiness stand 689 west ort street GOOu or Dajt cash 92 Mishina of Chicago when abort seven mfles wtrt of Whitefish Point' At the ttoae of tte coUlrica a 1 1 sf i Tv Bxuxv Tte tag Brilef which Wnt aground on Grassy Island Thursday fore Boon wa got off tte same evening by tte ferry bort Excelsior assisted by tte tug Hercule Tt latter boat parted her to wJlae and palled out her tow port In attempting tte release of tte Belief Tgs CxBYKAna Tte steamer lora for meriy on th Chicago aad Maniatee route was to MaveCMeago laat evening for Cleveland' where ate to 0 take tte place of the ateamar SMinaw whtoh'ln tarn to to go on tte Detroit A Cleveland line aa consort to tte Northwest it i Thb Johx The steamer John Sher man was inspected at Chicago Thursday by Capt Warren Local Inspector of Hulls and Steamboat selves Besides of 000 bushels loaded at Chi eaao for lurtanca brt 10000 bushels are shoveled or while at thia port tte 10JX bushels only can be derated without tte hdp of tte above! aad for tte rest tte rid of that uaaful bat slow mplemeat is called into requisition If therefore a comparison of etereea to to te made it to tte one dollar par thousand exacted at Chicago which meat te eonmdered exorbitant feathers ought to grow and of course follow toe chicken when It traveto about Last riday Henry PerkiBa shot at Miner Lake a large bald eagle which measured sev en feet ftom tip to tip of wings Tbe talona were nearly two inchee In length and the bird weighed over 25 pounds McNeaL aged 20 whoee' home was at Wrightstown Wisconsin waa drowned on riday last oa Sturgeon Hirer drive He was working on toe jam In toe falls when toe leg started threw him br and crushed him so that he was probably Hfeleaa before he was submerged in toe water Anthony Dougherty aged 85 a former res ident of Schuylkill Pennsylvania waa caught aad proceeded on ter way to Quebec for which port ste tea load ef timber Last night Wm' orte the' mrtt Any man added another boat to IV llpe ao reetoed a xsi Tlbbet had hie leg broken by the falling upon him of aatoneaa he waa digging in a ldlea nuoughout tte American and Eoropsan Continent have testified to tte excellent remedial virtues of MEDICATED COMPLEXION POW DER It imparts to tte skin a beautifully trans parent whiteness makes it delicately soft and smooth removes freckles tan and allays all irri tation Sold by druggists andMra ALLEN inWoodwaidave UH UO ly 'You see toe eva work of the? stole' and have good reason to appreciate it Hie much greater beneflta are all hidden aad thus you know not of them andhoweari youappcecl ata To aid you to do thto let me atatethat tha mol can live hot a tew hour without food before ft will starve indicating to ae tivity of i nutrition end the greet amount of food required TBIVUNO TBOUBLB Now let us look at toe evil deeds of the aaol They are all summed up in the mounds! and earthen winrows of whieh he to the builder Then too only in a light soil The mound dull toe scythe or knives of toe mower but have we not good and abundant grindstones and is it not bettor to epend a little time grinding knlVM than to have grinding poverty confronting at all time because of toe devastation of grab and caterpillar The gardener is vexed at toe disfiguring ridges or an upturned row of crocueaor balesms Yet toe ridges are easily raked down and surely it la better to mlae a single row aomewhst Injured than to have all hope leealycutoff by cut worm Ann him and pbbsbbvb your onops i The rench Agricultural Bureau prohibits by a keayy fine the killing of the allied) hedge hog? It 1 easy to hill our motyrt by poisoning them 'Let us never edvie practice tola lest we become scourged like toe locust invaded plain of the treeless and: birdies West and like them have to appeal to government for aid With the above facte not ancle or eur mises before you and the further atatementi that nearly all our insect pests sojourn for some period of their live in toe earth reedy' to be crushed by the ever rapacious mole I feel quite safe in trusting my case to an in telligent and fair minded a jury aa that eon etituted by the State Pomologieal Society to Plea art front rooms furnished 1 nitab'le for gentleman 128 Cass st jel8 lw ucatlon At ita eloee Crofoot a mem ber tendered to Prof Jones the retir ing Superintendent the thanks of the School Board and the citizens of Pontiac for his faithful services the pastfive years The senior class of is as follows: Classical Wm Bel) Wm HiU rankie Hnmphrey and Charlee Newberry Latin Hattie A Adams May Barnes Ella Green Belle Harris WllUa A Wilaen Eva Woodward" Wm Elliott Harger Relle Hanis Arthur Heming way Phebe Sherman Ola Stilson Ella A Webb Mary Graham LUlle Ripley German Lillie Ripley The Saginaw Courier published the follow ing concerning the late Augustine Gaylord whose death at Saginaw City Thursday has bern previously announced in Thb bbb Pbbss si Mr age was forty aeven? He had been a resident of Saginaw for about twenty five years Soon after taking up hts residence in Saginaw he taught eehoofand subsequently studied law with Hon John Moore After being admitted to the bar Mr Gaylord became a law partner of Hon John Moore and practiced his profession with Mr Moore for a number of years Subse quently he formed a co partnership with Benton Hanchett under the firm name of Gaylord fc Hanchett which continued ups to the time of his death In 1882 he was elected to the Lower House of the State Legislature on a union ticket and served one' term representing his district in a manner credita ble alike to himself' and his constituents He was also a member of the well known flrm of Rust Eaton A Co lumber manufacturers Soon after the appointment of Hon Zechariah Chandler as Secretary of the Interior Mr Gaylord was appointed Assistant Attorney General Which position he tilled honorably until the close of President admlnls tratien It was while acting in thia capacity that Mr Gaylord visited Indian tribes of the West for the purpose of negotiating treaties with them Deceased leaves a wife and four children and a circle of warm personal friends pcpling plan tte Toronto Globe of tte 21rt aaya: A meeting was held at tte Bobtnson Hoose last evening to confrtdsr tte proposals to te sabmitted to tte Convention at Boffslo oa tte 20th lust It: waa not attended by one half of those interested in vessels and those present determined to wait tul' at least a majority ot tte Toronto vessel owner were in council Tte meeting adjdwned accord ingly till Saturday evening wheal will be decided' how far tte Toronto owners are prepared to go in te terma of tte Bnffalo circular The asms Journal tea tte following: A cenespondeat of Thb Dbtboit bxb Pbbss Is severe on vassal men of Luke Ontario for cooi neaa towards the pool movement and thinks a sense of their poverty stricken position should have mad them flrat in any movement for immediate They may admit their position but the ns not appealed to tter judgment thatisall 3IANTJBLS AND GRATE8 elegsnt assortment at bottom prices st EW 93 Woodward sve 1432 ma7 ly PBDiGnnn and judgment 1 have seen men who could judge a bull by altting at a table and looking' at hie pedigree and award him a flrat aecond and third premium according to shia desert without even seeing toe animal in truth tel! accurately his market by running toe' Anger aiodg hie line of ancestor But if must say toe truth my confidence in the judgment of these men was never very perfect Again quite recently many articles have come under my observation by severely prac tical men who disregard pedigree altogether and laugh at toe idea of peering any sort of an estimate upon an animal's value by a glance atklsaneestry They can tell toe value of an animal by feeling hide taking in toe contour anting the size of toe milk veiis or toe prophecy of toe I must aay my confidence in toe judgment of these men la not very perfect But to other day I had occasion to visit one of toe flnert herds in Michigan with a man who struck me aa being one who could estimate toe value of pedigree and good pointe tn particular ani mal with rare good sense We were to look at a short horn trail that stood at toe head of the hard The visitor inquired where the bull wa obtained and was told with some pride apparently that he was bought at Buch sale aad cost a large sum This did not seem to hve very jnuch effect upon my man of judg ment in truth I thought be waa not very appreciative after au The next in quiry waa put in a caroleJway: is toe pedigree pda was shown with a good deal of satisfaction eliciting only this remark ought to be a good bull but let me see The animal was visited and every point was carefully noted I aaw at once toe man knew how to look and how to criticise He said very little however remarking simply seem Ilk a fine animal let me aee nle calve Two' Tbe Pomtlac Hlgb Bebeol The public schools of thia 'city closed Thursday the Ward schools in the afternoon the High in the evening The commencement exercises of toe claseof 77 were unnauallyfine and elicited hearty ap plause from the audience which filled the college hall to overflowing Th programme which included vocal and instrumental music by the graduates and local organiratimw was carried out to its completion Thia was followed by the presentation of diplomas to the graduating elasa and a brief addreaa bv fix A SINCLAIR has removed his ooe to No ort st west Residence 183 ort stst Je18 7 toeuitivate hts'orchard using a double' ahovel cultivator and kept ft perfectly clean! until the last of July when he prefomed to sow oats which cheek toe rapid growth of the trees allowing the twtga to rimm and prepare for winter ae well as furnishing covering to 1 hold the snow aad leave for winter protection a one man preferred row of corn in too Energetic man with 8500 to engage 1 1 ia a legitimate business with no competition Box zz ree rrees urucc je21 lw The annual exercises closing the school year at St Academy Monroe oc curred on Thursday afternoon The following is the programme BeauVfnl Birdllng Abt Piano MiM Lizzie Hamilton Three M1sm Lizzie Hamilton Ann Wicker and Bose Heeney May Belles Miss Uz zte Hamilton Next came a drama in fonr acta of Christianity or from the Reign of Marcus in which the characters were represented by the Mlaeee A Wicker Heeney Mathews Quigley Hoag Crotty I rank Collins Burnette Duffey and Mathews 7 Concert 1 Miss Lizzie Hamilton Galop di Misses rances Thome Minnie Collins Lotilo Godfrey Alice Olive Quirk and Julia Carrol Springtide (vocalj Miss Anna Wicker eet Misses Ella Mathews Rose Heeney Della Hoag Katie Duffy Carrie McDermott Isabella rank Anns Rett and rances Thome Sweet the Angelas was SMo or the MillioB An Electric Battery for 25 Cents' Voltaic' Plaster Cures Pains and Aches It equalizes the Circulation It subdues Inflammatory Action It cures Runtnres and Strains It removes Pain and Soreness It cures Kidney Complaint It strengthens the Muscles It cures Rheumatism and Neuralgia It relaxea Stiffened Cords It cures Nervous Shocks "ta It is invaluable in Paralysis It eases Inflammation of tte liver It removes Nervous Pains It cures Spinal Weakness It is Grateful and Soothing It cures Epilepsy and its It is Safe Reliable and Economical a It is nreecnoed by Physicians It is indorsed by Electricians COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTER Is warranted on the reputation of Dr Collins Its Inventor an old physician to be the best plaster in inn world or znecicino The union of the two great medical agents viz Electricity and Gums aad Eesenees fully justifies the claim and entitles this re nedy to rank foremost among all curative compounds for all external aches and pains Price 25 cents Sold by all druggists snd sent on receipt of 25 cents for one 1 25for six fi 25 for wrapped and warranted by WEEKS A POT PER Proprietors Boston AjOAND WILLIAMS A OO Agents? corner of Gr tlot avenue and fitted and one of the hMt retail grocery and provision COLIN CAMPBELL 115 Griswold tt lw Buffalo want postage stamps with coupons attached Grand war dance over toe kflllng of heir a Rm CHANCE to buy a bu sinewsA tost Interior town of Michigan New stock LI fxraar 1 Awwnal ttrtlArt xtw rnrf zthik kovu uauv fetni osV no debts Must sell store and stock tike teirable Detroit property or farm near hetrot in part payment Satisfactory rrasons for IjidSttartAZARD A BREWSTER Agrtsfttrtt Mich mhl3 eod4m3p Charles Johnson the wool thief whose ex ploits were mentioned in Thb bxb Pkzss was sentenced to the House of Correction for one year 6y Justice Beahan Judge Coolidge of Niles at the request of Judge Huntington has consented to hold court here during the trial of the University chancery suit The commencement exercises of tbe Ann Arbor High School were held on ridsy morning in the hall ot the school buildlug which was filled to its utmost capaeity The class consists of about seventy mem bers In the afternoon about forty of them escorted by the band and Prof Perry pro ceeded to the University and enrolled their names ss members of the class of This forms a good nucleus for toe freshman class for next fall Othbb Port or Chicago June 28 Ar Prop Jay Gould Buffalo schr Bounds Buffalo rops Nashua Og densburg: Arabia Buffalo Badger State Buffalo Dean Richmond Buffalo: achra Jaa Couch Buf falo Winslow Buffalo Barnes Buffalo lsvobihg Extracts are used and indoreed by the beet Hotels Confection er and Grocers throughout the country They are perfectly pure and of great strength once the cheapest and best and received the highest award at the Centennial Exhi bition Depot at a All nervous exhausting and painful 11 as new speedily yield to tte curative Influences of Pul Electric Belts and Bands They are simple and effective and can te easily ap uy tte patient Mmadf Book with full par es sate free Address Pulvumachb Gal awtc Co Cinmnnsti Ohm BOOTS AND 8Y1OEZS BY AUCT1OH At No 8 Michigan Grand ave Detroit On Wednesday June 27 1877 The undersigned beg to advise the trade that they will bold their dosing trade sale for tills sesaon on tte above dale and have received inrtruc ion from several large consigners to dose all consign ments of seasonable gcoaa Tte stock eonslste of a large and varied aseort meet of Spring and Summer Dry Goods full line of Hosiery Notions urnishing Millinery Good Carpets moor Oil Cloths Hats and Caps Hamburg Edgings etc etc An is voice of Tin ware and Tabli and Pocket Cutlery 20 bbls Pressing Vinegar 500 Mirrors and Looking Glasses 50 Table Glessware end 00 sets 8igleHaraeea Also a large stock of Beady made and Custom Clothing of superior make and quality and 80 Cases Boots and Shoes Suitable for the present season will be our last sale for thia season snd nterctenta should embrace tte opportunity to se cure SUBSTANTIAL BARGAINS tor their assort ing up trade rT 4 Balo at 10 a aharp Term aa usual WARDELL WAL8H 30M is2iirt A BosUmD yaleiwn 'i fxoixa Ir C7hset Main Catarrh la tte opprobrium medicorum of tbe medic profeeslon and by many is thought incur ble When therefore a preparation is presented to my notice indorsed by as responsible a firm as Moeara Weeks A Potter I am bound to give it a fair and unprejudiced trial and when such trial re sults in a aeries of uninterrupted cures I cannot allow professional etiquette to interfere with a candid expression of my regard for it I there fore give Radical Cubb fob Catabbk my unqualified approval and consider it aa a rem edy for tte triwraeant of everv form of Catarrh superior to any pr paration laid down in any text book with whies I am famllliar Very respectfully DR CHARLES MAIN Boston May 18 342 Harrison Avenue Bach package contains Dr Sanford's Improved Inhaling Tube with full dlrecticsa for use in all rases Price fil per package or sale by all wholesale and retail druggist throughout the United States WEEKS A POTTER General Agents and Wholesale Druggists Boaton 1 square time fil on 1 square 2 times 1 1 square 8 times 2 50 1 square 4 times 8 25 1 square 5 times 4 00 tanberg Rifle Rlvar to Ctoins Bw Graee Wbtt uey Black River to Brockvilla Oetan Cleve land to Toronto CHARLES BAINES Auctfri Griswold st Rooms lf this Moniiag 4S 1 rr r' ly in their forms After maxing a lew arnre inquiries my friend maae we following remark the place you bought him I thought you might have a good animal rom nia pedigree I judged the ehancea knew you had a valuable enl mal from his appearance I judged him to be a bull at rare parte but after seeing his progeny I pronounce him worthy of a first premium at any exposition il AMD raniMDa oy BUIT 3 have just attended a meeting of the South Haven Pomologieal Societyt I have read before now that nth 'Voopta there pay good deal' ofj atten tion to their orchard of ''jameheetj but not until new have I reaHtad how thor oughly they mtar into the pcacttoe Mr I puis ROSS rench Steam Dyeing ted Cleanmz ELBlabliuhment 84 Juflerou ave and Luned street Detroit bj expreaa promptly attended to 1548 m14 3plv HEREBY cantion any person from trusting my 1 rfe as I will rot be responsible for any debts zsatted by her from thia date une 8 re77 LjS lawtit JAMESSDALh wago yesterday forenoon is dlsctargtag ter cargo of eoal at wharf Tte graduating class of tte Cam Unite Scheel numberlag abort seventy wort to Groaee late yes terdsy on tte stoaatee Baby iai Tte Northern Transit propeller St Albans la billed to leave the foot of Third street thia noon for Ogdensburg and way porta I Tte schooner A Bradley was transferred from Windsor to tte Detroit A Milwaukee wharf yes terday to toed staves tat Buffqim 5 a Maums Tte foggy weether 'still continues and tea occasioned several eeriotu accl dents as will te seen la tte account of tte follow ing disasters: i Tte achoonar Gertrude which was driven ashore7on Batina North Point Wedateday noon by a squall while discharging a cargo of wood at a bridge pier for a brick yard Ste wert broadside on tte bench and wlll require a powerful tug to get liar off Shortly after tte beaching of tte propeller of New York recorded elsewhere tte schooner Wa Ogden loaded with Iron ore from Mar 1 qastte to Cleveland owing to a dense fog? ran betore about three iqllee west of the City of New York Tte ymaol is in extreme danger owing to tte heavy aee running Tte steam bargo Tempert collided with thy schooner Gestae op Lake: Michigan tt o'clock a' Thursday an rt lining 1 allffht damags herself and damige: of no serious character upon tte vessel Tte 5 Stem of the Tempest caught tte cathead of the achoonar and that a portion ot the rail balwarta 1 MUNGBLOOD BRO I Grocers Liquor Dealers 1 And dealers In paints Oils lour eedEtc Comer Gratiot and St Aubin aves NEW STORE! NEW STOCK I ClAKs OK ROOM EVERYTHING RESH 1 Immeate orth of our Business has made ealarmd nd 71 oroved facilities a positive a we cord 2'y invito our fnenda to how well ah JI treat them We do present in order to bhC11 oid Jrurtntee that we will give the J10 lalait money of any house in the city TEAS I TEAS 1 A SPECIALTY i keep the old and popular plate uraxrot avenue xon ran to Lllaui lm YOUNGBLOOD A BBQ CARRIAGES Out Sale of Babr Orrlagffi SATURDAY MORNING JUNE 23 ULE RBAL BCTATfl new mod IrJH fit class brick residences eligibly lo 1 neighborhood paved street and Led desirable that I will eell at a price mak investment under any circumstances 10 exchange good farm property a sm Griswold st jaia lw PkrTJroRYBRICK On Adelaide st bought at a bargain Apply to A LkBlocfc WialHf Bcruan Tnxrt on rffitftrlDD enian lusect Powder tot ITHT1M JUM DRUG 8T0B AW''r a ra is AUCTION BALES CLOSING Trade Sale TO THE ALICTED teem for the last three yeJrv confined to RW I have tried almost every sad other places but ttoey all I plsced myself under the care or I Russian II have irainpn 51 DOUIldB 1 iwi periecu wcaa jeonmend him as a 2 no pay until cured I re Roade Kalamazoo Co Michigan CASTELLO 117 Grand River ava has a1 ine hue of Embroidery Lce and Kcging irJita te settles cheap 1714 niBM 81S 3plnx orfeited htock I MtfflMnpwe 1 Me 7 iraw Avnuvn I PrrrzaromHA MyM MTf i Notion la hereby given that all Stock of thia Osfopny on which tte tartallmrot tovted Decem jrtS eaft It Hair Nearalffla am Ebenaatle Care Is now mann'actured by Mrs Gordon who alona inherits tte receipt and patent right from ter late husband Unlike otter Hair propagation it contains nothing injurious ARRAND WILLIAMS CO jell lw Wholesale Agents Detroit Mich "llBSHGO better known at the Russian Pt Hrtred jelB lsr Beaadictlon The esaaya of the young ladies ware care fully prepared gracefully delivered end geu erally considered fully up to the hh stand ard established by preceding classes which according them a high meed of praise The musical numbers of the prognaae were admirably rendered and gave the ut most satisfaction One of the moat gratify Ing features ot the Exercise io the many friends ot the Institute was the report of the Committee of Examinations Thi is committee appointed by the Bynod ot Michigan and Is made with a refateuce to a thorough examination The Seminary has educated upwards of three thousand pupils and graduated about three hundred and sixty young ladles who grace the circle of reflned and cultured homes throughout the land In the evening the usual raception was held in the parlor of the Seminary1 which waa largely attended to exchange for city property 10 20 40 so s) 1 0 160 or 1 000 acres with crops rvi HOraCCt VUWD AAAta IWtMAlUft UVUOatO ffihMPSOl i Rotunds 1876 je4 lm TO LOAN mar be mart fruitful in yieUHng rteh expmt tuio and soupd tnforjjyinu eoaftibute my 0fte tee brief pepey 'V? Sotne yeare ptece I wm urged to write a par forthNpteuttural report of one ofmr No one need suffer A positive remedy for all kinds of iles allays the intense itching at once giving instant relief An Indian treatment you apply called Dr Indian Ointment (Pre pared only for Piles and nothing else) Thousands already cured "Mr Joseph Ryder Cleveland Ohio writes: I suffer for years with Itching and Ulcerated iles tried remedy after remedy advertised and consulted physicians in Philadelphia Louisville Cincinnati Indianapolis and this city and spent hundreds of dollars but found no relief nniil I ob tained a tex of Dr Indian Ointment some four months ago and it has cured me com pletely I had a part of ths box left which I gave to a friend of mine who had doctored with many physicians and asalatt resort went to the noted Hot Springs Arkansas for treatment He informs me that tte Indian Ointment has also cured him of tte Piles It is certainly a wonderful discovery and should te used by tte many thonwanda who are now suffering with that dread disease or more certificates of cures see large circular around each box of ointment Sold by druggists generally Sold wholesale by errand Williams A Co Hinchman A Sons rederick Stearns and Swift A Dodds Detroit Michigan 4'4 1532 jelS 61 eowtauU Coushr Colds Quinsy Pleurisy Croup Whooping Cough Hoarseness Sore Throat Ca tarrh Asthma Bronchitis Night Sweats Loss of Voce Blending Lungs and Consumption cured by Dr 8 Arabian Milk Cure ND WILLIAMS A CO' wnoieaate Agents 3 ust read the names of this Congress of Stars Only the prominent ones mentioned here Mostly added since our last visit: ADD RYMAN 4 BILLY RICE GBOWILSON BILLY CARTES PRIMROSE A WEST BDIXON CHAS HAYWOOD HENRY ROE RKETH 1 JOHN RAPIER Tha Orchestral Departnieiit' Comprises 12 Solo Musicians All of tha above named popular artists at each entertainment in aelect programme concluding with a new and highly amusing comedy in one act and one scene by Add Byman entitled OTT HASH HOUSE ess man better than any or work which any one may feel MORTUHtR HTARIflNG AUCTION SALE Tte entire stock of fiaey Wflrstefl Yaakee Nattmu' Kie else stole fixtures shelves counters and tie? gsrt show esses will te sold at auction Sale to commence Saturday June sfid at 2 ted continue until all is sold at store No 228 Correspondence of Tte Detroit ree Prees CaNTONMBNT on Toxouz Rrvxu June 7 Things are at a stand still here at present in consequence of the rainy season having aet in and the rivers and creeks swollen so that a heavy train cannot travel through the coun try bands of scattered hoetiles that are out now are supposed to be in the Biff Hora Mountains and around Milk River Both places ae difficult toget to with a wagon train even in the most favorable weather the distance being too great for a pack outfit to carry sufficient supplies s'" It is the opinion in military circles here that the Indian war is virtually over thia hajipy state of affairs having been brought about by Gen Miles last winter when with the ifth Infantry he opposed the most cele brated chiefs andWarriors of tbe Sioux na tion Me never went after has been up iu this count them Ten companies of tin uurty eigut meu eacu uoioewu Duung bum who had with him 00 Uncapapa and 1 ano Chavenne and Oealala 4 warriors at Cedar Creek in October Thety forces were completely demoralized i Sitting Bull being routed towards ort Peck the Cheyennes and Ogallala retreating pell mell to the Yelkrwrtone where Gen Mnaa overtook them and compelled them to surrender five of their principal chiefs aa ae curlty that they would comply with the arti cles of surrender which required them to re turn to their agencies wtthln days This small command 'broke up the hostile eamps on the Missouri 'end again Sitting BulU' Early tn January they were qt the Wolf Mountains 110 miles from canton ment where they defeated Crazy Horae end 1800 of tbe most celebrated Sioux wanton This was the only reverse of any consequence that Crazy Horae suffered atnee he has been on the war path and if he and his warriors are gone to their agencleeft la materially owing to the good generalship of Mlles and 1 the bravery of the Birth Infantry Together gather in the harvest Our taimen should not pay a dollar for Mghtaing rode nor send a dollar out ot the State for iaeuriuiee of dollan have been paid by the people of thls Stateto ennen incuuerens wrap insurance ntes end tn most cane from poor ea withnnt rnrnanlvrst atandlnr and any adequate advantage by tng of security armers should insure only wtth ageute of TV3 bare a number of new houses and stores in Il djereat parte of the city which we wul cn S2LU payment down nd baUuice in ffiontii I JBiNIE CHURCHILUteUa part and future aU 1 'J ue benefited by adling 28 Barclay Place jeis lw PEB80HAL Lucretia Mott 'is elghty flye and weighs only seventy pounds" Almee now worth $250000 4s plsylng to make her pfle 8400000 Edwin Adams is waiting for strength to eomehome from the Pacific coast Maud Oswald will gallop 300 miles' on thirty mustangs in twenty six hours st Chi esgo A Montpelier man' in anger struck his head twjce with a flat iron but did not break the Iron The Chappaqua farm remains in the Gree ley family but would be sold if a satisfactory price could ba obtained Cortlandt Parker declines to accept the Republican nomination for Governor of New Jersey net caring to ran and be de feated Nag A Choy the first Chinaman who has ever become a fully qualified English barris ter at law arrived in Shanghai about the 1st of May Prof Kansas tornado did not come off according to prediction which would cause the reflection that Tice and Vulcan are hbt report Simon Cameron is summering on his farm John Jones the famous English ironmas ter died a eeuple of weeks ago at the early age of forty four When Roscoe Conkling got his passport for Europe the other dayhe avoided Secretary Everts and obtained his papers through the subordinates of the Department of State Dr Le Moyne of Pennsylvania the ere mationlst has made a will providing that his heirs shall before receiving their legacies make a formal promise to be burned after death Neal Dow having found out that the hop beer sold in POrthjp had malt In it gave orders to have the safe stopped a malt era tion with their beverage that the people appreciate Justice Daly of the New York Court of Common Pleas defends poor sewing women from the enforcement of villainous contracts into which they are beguiled by sewing ma chine agents When Erastus Corning celebrated his fiftieth birthday last week of the strawber ries presented to his guests and grown on his farm it is recorded that not one of them waa Ibm th" five inches tn circumference' A person representing himself to be the Rev? Wm Pope blehop eleet of Aux payee Hayti left New York for Spain laat week after stating that he was an authorized agent to negotiate with te Spanish" Govern ment for the sale of Cuba to the Insurgents for 8130000000 Ross Snowden recommends the estab jiahment of the mint fit Charlotte North Carolina and thinks ft the placer mines were properly worked the Worth Caroltna gold production shauld bp wbst ft ws before the gold deposits in Cfo VW between one end two of the South Carolina mines are now ln ope i 4 ration a Bic ftlzeouwt Brother Gardner suddenly put in an ap pearanee on Griswold street yesterday with a note of bend of the face value of four hun dred dollars which he wanted dftecijrtsd He made strong appeals to sR the banks but in vale and he finally mounted the portofifice steps and called out f51 bar' am anote of to hundred dollars due in twelve days snd ITl seU for two 'r i geVbfal persons" asked to look at the note which was tipped by an unknown party and not drawn up in due form this manAM able te PWihe value of the note why do ydT effer for twe sbfl unga one of the group i dera am re plied dat de man can pay it Jt seem to me dat be on de day dUA He gin me det note tor an oldjtosa and de hose diedm him in about ea hour great big mala tmmu why I went to dieae countdto note todnfoet dat Mra Gardner baa sprang a lawn party on to me fur dia a word tt AR de prepera 3 Bi ti 'J'HBATBROOHIQUE 5 A WEEK SENSATIONS Bob Butler tbs inimitable Pantomimirt' and' Comedian Mine Jasper the Petite Vocalist Ac tMMto nvasl wvuinuteu AUG VflWtUUTQg VBUOfOn (Herbert ana Joe) second week and tremendous success ot the Ineh team Jonea and Rlelly John reta nii vatic mw juvu UtaUJUlNb OUIjr JUNL IXX BW Msmrnoth Vaudeville Company btt time of laughable pantomime entitled NICODEMUS Jones snd laugoab sketch entitled TAKING THE LEDGE Ladies' night every night "Punilw IfAtlVkMk OWOto ednf nidaw A riday Evening June Billy AUra and Charles Seaman in GREAT MATCH DANCE OR ftn OMCBESTBION HALL xsS0 ftonroe are and arrar st McAvot A Wxst Managers' azi McAvot Bnsinass Manager Wm Dnvxnx Assistant Business and Stage Manner HOUSES CROWDED TO OVERLOWING eATTJLJLT JUNE 33 amous aad Original Minstrels He HAVRRLY Proprietor CLAPHAM Minigen Greatest ef all Miastrel Companies ENTIBE CHANGE PROGRAinne rt'A Vrindwaid or Jefferson ave Address Il A box 20 thisofflee je23 2t a or the best and rheapeet 1 6cr2 beer preserver Liberal discount to lt'erencee required None but reapon prreetic parties need apply or cueu tlcalAraaddre The IDmer Ges Gen Jlipearl st Buffalo NY gj Co i385 my3 lm CATARRH WfftiM wiUlffffly have given ku aauan xwr raiier i talMt frwm ftrvt Nm i Pbiczs Admission 75 50 and 24c according to lntion ef seats Seats on sale Roe 184 Woodward avenue Doors open at Perfonoinietf eommois LX)tTlUS iU ii JL 4Octiw of ort and GriswoM BtVMCin i Jr a A oerza Chas White Mazuwer Tbe above is the only theater in the city "which can furnish its patrons during the warm weather with Cool Comfort and "'Artistic Amuse meat or the present week the following regiater Is of fered: Wm Courtright Prime Minister of Ethie ptan Comedy Euaene and Malcom Gymnasts John and Lea Peasley Irish Sketch Art kte Miss Vick Reynolds Vocalist Kitty Shep herd Protean actress and vocalist beside the reg ular stock favorites Admission as usual worms the white grabs aad the mare worm How can we estimate the worth of fttond who is ovur rroary to the good work of their ertermination The injury we received from'? these fell destroyers ia enormous They work in dmfc neee aad norniertmirV eno are almost proof against artificial remedfee They arete great 1 Mttrahttll The public schools of Marshall closed for the summer vacation on the 31st A public entertainment under the management of tho pupils was given at the Opera Honse in the evening when an immense audience Assem bled to witness the same The exhibition re flected much credit on pupils and teachers On riday Andrew Wateon while engaged in unloading flour from a wagon in front of his store fell from the wagon hla left foot caught in the wheel spokes by which a severe injury is infllced OkeylAg the New Hotel ire Becape 1 Law Thursday iron ladders leading from thehan to the upper story of the Lawrence House at Adrian to the balcony of the sec ond floor were put in place as a means of ee tpe should a fire render them necessary Red lights will be kept burning all night at the head of the stairs and every precaution taken to guard against apddent in ease of fire as provided tor by the new 'Adriaia College' The programme of exercises of the gradu ating class in the musical department of Adrum College wee fully camed out lhurs day evening the opera house being literally packed both on tbe floor and ln the KUwy The floral decorations were elaborate and tbe floral offering to the graduates nutqerous and beantfralt4 Very Un observed i Mstttere a Mlehigom Umlveroltr The senior class hss decided to the fair ground on Monday Thaorooosea tournament under tiy wdnwePB0 respects to the toynagaent jjf Jgst year Memu 1 sqnsre ttaMel 1 square 8 times 5ft 1 square 8 tliaaa ST 1 square 10 timea ft 1 square 11 times fi 1 eouare 12 tinea WsehaMttlnmsl insertion 3TM cents Olk THKUSg 8CO4K ISLAND OR EXCURSION PARTUS Apply to CLARK Or: 2087 jeT8 lma ASHLEY A MITCHELL Tuesday night about dock a horse about II years old some saddle ohAHIHOV fl IVTTIft B4ina mnsi U'lUl uxuu vnivined A libera! reward will be paid for rewm to faux DViiKurr ajiqu nui uvw cut on oodwaafl ave je American District Telegraph Co wiB place i it wn on saw IUBUU11UI1U! JWaa twuwvov rt rtOiso K1 JI1 iruu 1U1 JV uajoitw vra vsaaw 135 tinswold st 3000 jel9 lw KUAt per also 6 feet sMewaur roorif dressed for cheap uiKEs GG corner ourth and MIchl tivaine OST OR The following Certificates Lof Stock ia the Michigan Central Railroad 50 iUjVOO uftieu jRiiruu is xm twuutj uic No 18982 dated Jan 27 1873 one share bove were lost In the mail or stolen Jan 25 persons are hereby cautioned against me same as kranpid ueo uwu signed and application will be made THBOIWHS REYNOLDS jtasl 3004 jeao 8w nr rooms Terms moderate Mfriao day board at 100 Wayne st je2t lm WELLING HOU8EL brick house with modern im fO No 115 Howard tP ME 1 and Howard: Jeg3 Iw day nigh of fifteen doilara Sooth formerly treasurer and book keener of the Northwestern Bibl and Pub lishing Gompany of AUsgan waa arrested Tuesday evening on a eapfea granted on the affidavit of one of tbe corporators charging Booth with having embezzled the fund of said company to the amount of 32700 Booth gave ball in tbe amount of 32500 Hull of tbe Michigan University class of thia year has been appointed princi pal of the Battle Creek school The Lake Michigan fishermen claim that the best whitefish are caught there the summer: The Board of Regent meet at Ann Arbor Monday Mumford of Adrian had his thumb mashed In a whoeL Laat fall a hunter named Peter' Raronskl attempted one evening to enter the house of Walter Rockwell of Winterfeld Township where Mis Rockwell was alone with a small girl The man outside was warned to go away and on further attempts to force an en trance Mrs Rockwell fired through the door snd the man fell The be ing aroused he was conveyed to Evart tn Osceola County where he "was treated for some time ana finally recovered Costs to the amount of about 3900 were charged against Clare County for the treatment of the criminal on the grounds that said Raronskl waa a pauper though not a resident of Clare County and suit brought to recover the amount in the Ctienft Court which has just been decided in favor of Clare County A Grand Rapid undertaker named John Howell demanded a fee of 30 for robing the corpse of a aon of apoor wldow and when he found that ahe could not pey him all at once proceeded to strip off the clothing using a knife for that purpose Bears are numerous in the Traversa region The trout streams near Petoskey are almost too well fished Tbe arwell Register says Three years age a number of young trout were placed In the stream near mill between' arwell and Chase Last Bunday one of these trout was eaugbt weighing three pounds and two ounces rank McCarty of Colon' traded horses with a band ot gypsies encamped near Cold water riday and soon found out that he was badly taken tn Then he called in the services of an officer and compromised the dicker by paying the gypsies thirteen dollars and receiving hts horse back sThe Coldwater Board of Education has a standing rale cancelling the engagement of any lady teacher who has an offer of mar riage There hive been seventeen 'ladles within three year who have avalled them eelvea of the privilege Joseph Pike a lad of eleven years resid ing at Columbus St Clair County was acci dently shot in the cheek by a comrade while playing with a shot gun Bunday The St Johns Independent says There is aman in Duuiain living with hia second wife to whom he has been married only a few months who is anxious for a divorce His reason is not that anything can be said against her on the score of inteUlgenee dis position modesty or virtue but that 'her physical constitution is net strong enough to endure the wear and tear and perform the hard labor which he considers properly inci dent to a married life Oneof the most popular route agents on the Detroit Lansing A Northern Railroad 'la Mr Austin His obliging temperament make considerable inroad on hie salary prompting him te nflfc atamps to such stamplsM letters are eouaigned to hla care In the ease of the people vs August Pleisa impleaded with John Deuater for killing a man at Bay over a year ago the Prosecuting Attorney of Leelanaw County entered a nolle proeejui to the charge of mur der and filed a charge of manslaughter to which the prisoner pleaded guilty Plelss was then sentenced by the court to a fine of 3000 and tn default of payment to be con fined la the State Prison at Jackson until the acme la paid not exceeding two yaare'w Albert Dean the tramp who wee arrested last November for burning a school house in Empire Township for which he was sen tenced to one year at Jackson broke jail last Saturday at Elk Rapid and escaped THE IHDIAN WAB at fife Caatoaaseat oa I mnmn and board 34 Jones street corner 5 50 8006 jegCMw BUSINESS CHANCES rtrttTm a MAQPa xxr OICERS lv YVIbJ5 A axvunnj yiELD foot of Griswold st jet8 7t RE'iT Krom May let me tuuu kuu lounu Tories over Bank and Gas office v' 1323 1 TO HEM HOOUS One large front parlor bay window I joor furnished or nnfnrnisbed with flrst ibea d' ore on second floor Location cer rf Clifford st Terms moderate Bathroom goTpiaso 'JS19 1W We by and Pearl Thatcher an Hume Charles Howard Ned West red Harecwt Wm? Derere General armlaaVm 10 centa Boeer red Beata 15 ceata Matinee Wednesday and Saturday at 2)4 HUM Mises aaiwatA WffHHfeVtVC AACC Our bqantifal gallery reserved for Iodise and their assort Steamer JAY COOKE AV' £ieunfon to Put in Bay lfO5EY TO 825003 at 8 per cent on nroved real estate in Detroit Apply nf WALK ER 18 Moffat Building LOST AND OUND rpwArrl will benaid for tne return of a Mmale don: short smooth brown hair Lairbroad back name lost Tues hs Betum to No 38 Montcalm slowest 5 laOLfit Two etory house 7 rooms Inquire KS vIhaN 363 High street wert No 126 Elizabeth st east rtnirgsroomr in good order $20 per JOSEPH GRANGER 66 Ad 3005 jell lm furnished house all eon rood lawn fashionable nelghbor WELCH 96 Griswold st a 1807 Tf A modern built house in good re T0 1W High st west Inquire of GEO jQaOUS 134 High st west 1486 myV rBUSANESS DHOSEff That excellent brick store with riewment No 347 Woodward ave also 1 Jxi Park st containing twelve rooms cel let also brick house No 30 Russell2 ccller bath room etc houses for V7d0 rent in various parte of the city by15 CAMPBELL 115 Griswold street jel8 i vc vv 'xcr I mm a 1 4 aww whw wunwnffimmmmw 1 HMsmuBHrnw jwmk mAH hmh mu hh 1 anmuanww 1 1 on nHeMMronmam wmMro ra mrowu a aa wsnmm mroram nun mmro siasuH MX BWBBM WstM a wwmw 7 1 AKLH OWW WfilRInaM rawnM Ja a a ja A mombws wWAMW OWOW A Wms Mh" MffiHMMVEHfHM a Or OH1 ML HfiL SEnteBH EteH KW vwrosu tm nona swan nt thecH property ouun txwm osiimmf tool hiieffg te fib ft wn Hve teas MBM04AX apotet whare fonmariy in rwna sfon kawww maksr or i Mb repsttatlaw as TTafinAni ilia rt mraS au Aananr Mastins stand fltaauaolh Tank TtoflOTOTl hmmmotM Of 'Boot WSS? Acvn Catabb Cold im th ft Mffe VUl CBk ma WadBfladflv A ralTOTCIb! ia4 wurawB umbb cvmaaiYw wm aww ww wbeMTw ar tag at the eteapel of tte 3omlnatelSteM 'M2 KWMMsMMMtttaM 'aenffita wwofinfiro tntmaM sm irtlinK iwi8irtf rS I took afresh comb woaid esais tn my head 1 zuimsm nwM ooeiu i fiMfetoflfefi'oftefiAtefitaHMfiifc' fivroundtag fimamntb seal teDMeft 4MWMM I eanrfne the snoot violent aaorrimr aceomnaiHaa 1 1 enaoiA iepm AAwsikiawa MHBo WnJOBab "MWte WMAMH fftfMA? la BKUBrJMUWVVt a UMM IBY MIL IHTMll UBEUBK A Mo vrae tmrisd down Ttaefiay hfe 8 foioetttaewaiariamrayinaMwn Mrerara WftWkwMk I a wvwmmse AOT tOT tefifite cwnwnk awro mm OTAHv mOM i MtBB 40 BOBAM WOO1G as soon ny warn Mart? Tasso argans are iiiiaisaisn wmmi to TWMo a roe oaroe incuncr coat to vneenn nf for i ramunmm mnra I 'AT Aflp MKxHMKAP rr row rowwre zf QUIK Ml HI BHnwmOb WHH A MteC yTT crash tte teMeraat Whfehweiopaeittafr bottom at fife eaL Mefeyartfcaiartyh ease Spains ran Whteaxn CMan Th followiag I 1 Monday It contained 380 eotdaof wood: tantab tabMMrik to te tt taeoetproy A tte ctettnff edge of wffiktheww aeet uivm pMtd tbe Welland Csnal daring the tweu i i we ww Wfia WMH WllHa ft wi fee a 3 wm 1BK'' TH HKHB mi oaraiK wimbk wun MiflffatvHMriMiMaBanriwRanM th dote Jm MrouteuwtaeergMA Atereee Tta faee rf i 1 dessert feki and Prof I I 1 ill I Hfite Jrt no surety do feed th wnate cwgtn a norra Wettwsrd Barim Siberia KWatauto Bay City fiiiy haves wfed btowtag wMch redaces thelevnl ef Gaakla natoatoMaagg foitish Lion Aftnrdaetn toifraenM aaevr fftesttnn to TaTsde CawpOsll colltoo Bar to atnoo been I ri BDume nmr Euwau'i thrMBOMMitof Wh I Hlf I frterta oT tern rtenlrtl Artl If atefim awWO KBBB Btuanvw 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Mneteelea A wau IV fa MBWWU HVM LiWTWCA tta wotk tta MftOT Mfta 1U rumored esd a Dromedary Toledo to Montreal tarte ales wmA tevral hoov will ta hMltnfd to firt Tm Owta tte rwHfffi OTv eehra Vu Ve arete an danger ranst passtag kesp rtwean the I jpj 1 LW Kb nn a tad cold mx yeere age avored by fataM condition of tbe blood tta dieetoe eert aetd potam imo every pert of the eyk tom co wtau ta commenced tta nee of lit charge itself upon the pillow during sleep and col a lactug in qaamtitles his throat would tt tbe point of strangulation wake him Several ttieea each night he waa obliged to get up aad partially fcs dear his nostrils and throat before he could sleep ii IB lures Efi I i ra 1 ba i ffei 4 i I jseg uHL ci sew IOToo 0 i i generations of hie fttag the good poin Indiana atnee he toy but he found yearn ago for a traval The game was a peJu and victimised hundreds farmers and it Is hoped eson that will be useful he ifth urptfa tte temperance orator usveaxroaa wsfewromywH Lahaingj Then aye at wmmm in toe cantonment of the ttnoraottiww eqqtpaiues ox wzm Aft ment Twenty eeeond Regiment and waive one eorpe of tte Seventh end four of the Beeood straw Cnvatr Aa soon as the weather fe favor ft v7vf3sls3 I manfnCroo: Mr Caste ndrafttalasi a i hs irll hf hl: I it sl 'I I i sSB 4 Jfi' 1 A 1 to tt 10c each non th achoooer TVltaff te fil 9K ia SWUM Ill II HOT up aocmmt pm rthirnrr rn jif tamW OT Stala to wre seewM aatcaeo June waa an active ssomk nr vassals as Un noon board oa vootesdav ate att SLU te Jffi a aw 1 aa WW HfenBBNH WNBH BWB A Wm MWH B1PBWBBBHWM Hint an jt WBBBttetea WJ WP row ww www Vi i an WW I wwe mw ora nnngujMg WteBBU UB BtoVtoBB naftw wrftera tette eouteryTtepaper whisk fee rananr ef MS tbo wrt ef ifedteg tbe De mml ffleBuflttiiZSw3wS3fawhoet ateataate a word tf teariy nimininlolTni ot at fi daagneaa barrier tamartesfen fo te through rate 5 A 1 rttHtewtetterteAvsnrtSLteBfrtok thOSKiAWofi eofepieted ffiad forwarded edtoiheOsnateef enrisreate ertate Ute fol bar 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