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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 24

Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 24

Detroit, Michigan
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WWiW 24 SUNDAY MAY 3 1908 I TTItlC Best Made at $250 and $300 Sensational 4 Hour Linoleum Sale have One X00 $300 a GO ORDER Odd Things Not Seen Elsctcher i MISUNDERSTOOD CARENCE CRAT the a yard 103 Woodward Av OLD MAN AWAY ROM DRY OAKLANDERS HOBB OR TUBBS Illi CROSS THE LINE pf ACTORIES THE IGHT OR 4 the Hoorah SECOND WRECK WAS AVERTED rab1 ivcim iighmxi LAUNCH BLOWN INTO WEEDS had Iter th pub 1 a i OU ONCE Work the K) mi POLICEMAN RIVER Given i fe il "VIOLETTA PART IO kinds choice Lieut Breault of the truant to try to locate Ills Mister 1 1 rtitly n4 K4reC like cbartn en br th" ltku Yi JM i 1 Ti 1 I tt ree and The 183 185 Woodward purchase i in greitet ikmai hand dfccts on w' greens Teds or re thua nd which tor be out I frmn Kunriina condition In i sun mtI elf grateful UarlIW UGr Cuban one of a crest now reetiy not make lie thought thil kind will be council to al BUILD SEWERS AT Carcnce Gratters a Chicago firm have re produced a new idea in etched copper brass reliant turn In police matter the poll The cvmnilsbloii will plans public but It leva I nu nna invoked tn rnnined the low the police ron)inl'lu to pr forni iho duties for which II woe fortunate ate tluuc arc IVr ian ground of 1 hey color each in variety of shades The sian bands or borders arc oriental flral3 to indies $4uq to kind Monday at 258 pair it ntis TK ntL'CHUH DlMOM Tir THREE It KI IOIOMAI HlfKLE VMN TV TOP MIVXIMI Bli rnEIlH A4 4 Bl Troy Bf ldfEHS All lei'A dull kid nd high Cuban hl unlers otherwise dMcrttU The sol a vary from the very light to a wnnHblu walking thickness Th and silver in a variety ot articles be ll pitrt iii I' man By Mail 1c Extra Is tho Twotp Wd to our mude loving patrons and axk to har it played NEW STORE 243 247 Woodward of orders It must bo that Cook'u switch ft east of switch a a bill last POLICE KNOW WHOM TO OBEY AT1RE THROWN IN tb wndueror thtt wo not another wr be suvh an rdr bar 21 and ttij right of way three mile of trjtck al tho time lun't Lucite and any born acTrea lilac tic: 100 at nr 39c and 50c sigrilft bl lit most in air ra in tn i Lq It ESIDES giving ou "betterthan the materials In oiu $250 and $300 Oxfords wc have had them all carefully cou structcd over the perfected lasts and patterns of our high grade Oxfords his gives yon iho precision of style and all round appear anrq of a high grado Oxford at a medium grade price Our extensive showing consists what conneetton thfl pre nt xclw ion controversy Washington the prno a if along the border citlxx within the pjft fex 'nnntn 6f a Special lnpetor la known fxcil ur loath tn rHrux it Thl officer' peclil Immigrant in spector wsa hero tn Te tmit bvml week ago rtnd bPt nt about ten dnyr IT epentortHilr tbie time Mrith tnapector Tippett who wa then In charge of tho local olflr and vlMi1 in dletrlct attorney's office April Mr raj transferrrd to'hcagA and Mr Itone hl ieieiant joltied the force al th local Imml gratton 1 office It It believed Hint the con'Mida tlon of the ofTicea in Detroit Im part of policy to combine the general immigration work wlt'o the work all along the bnrrtors to that there will b' more Inupeetora available mid better reaulta obtained Since titrit change wax made the IochI office hue been active thx Chinese have beta placed tinder ar rei in the month and two whllo men taken Into custody Tho ar rtlB In April ware the flr xlnc Ihm Augutt The turj Chlnoue ar rcid Inft week rift' blng found In William Coughlin' barn by Mr Courthlln and by him to the officer will be taken tn Port Huron Monday tpr nrrlgnmnt be fore ITnlUd' Stdtca Commlexloner Chapin he Mr (pVc carry this line in Detroit and our display in cludes desk sets book racks pen trays card trays paper knives letter openersj scart pins leather fobs belt pins and belt buckles 'broocheshat pins etc gAn inspection will prove worth while tr' Officer Explain Meaning of Chinese Direc tion rom Wahington Thero is an inclination among I Detroit laugh at upon the ciuaion policy 0 I'm not to you mn to you bay meet CKTTHB IT PAYS Advertise your The ree Preus If you desire results Every drugglet our agent phone Bell Main 4200 Home 'City 6200 chief of the fire department 111 th regular fro chief in case of a fire Thu fohr policeman named will form the rest of the force and it a puzzlo whom thy wn obey In police matters the mayor ur the Highland Park Ofllctlb to Look Into Conditions at Seven Milc Rotd HUhUni Park onicmir Will viall th mile raJ And AVocJwrJ gvenu tfcla eiiemovn lu report from that vitdnHy it aHK4 that wide Open" at tbit point and that tt 1 th Sh (Pivau of oRin4 county rrjM ttt imt being nbl ob tain prohibited Kuud in tblr eoojn now eeklrc oieo jn Wyn wuntf Io or fo ir aammr tn rhe neighborhood onl on jurt tbTeo jrn Of bibU end onehooting vntrt weir belt ft tt vfirtitj" At wlghtfali iswid there mny taQgra on the crr fo Pontiac ani I wnr unable to wntg atralgbt Anothr large mw xptl tn at th thia aft rnbun If tho weather nt all propttlnu HY'UKKTIIA HBHA To ty dgaerted on a door atep rn a dark cold gloomy night in March and a wkn latr to be the tr In a brilliantly lighted thair th cynoetir of eyre an eaprtnre romantic extremea dune but Baby blue yed chubby adapt herself with the Nothing feaxra week nun property aday Portiere Sale A fortunate pm chase of 250 paiis toe RKWM MWX 44 tnei4 Wide rich lustrous rtniii vty hevr even quality EQa tomorrow a yard DWG XI nwismn tn wov dots and figure wry deelrabl and pulterne at 39c limpitol stating I Cornmiaaloncr Genera 1 th bureau of Immigration and nat urAlixatlon that the department he be "going in making CtU nee nrreste emf be an aah! an lnpctor yesterday "that there has been some scrt order para mount to tho Chlueso uxclualon law by which there ha been a re laxation in tho campaign agatnet Chinese Immigration to this cauii $350 Patent Leather Oxfords at 279 Owlns tn the haw demand for lane ar redtp lng all patent leather many people prefer to wear tho more modest instead of tbo faddish tans especially (of evenings or them nil wale win appn particularly cnoice ur rcuionunjr iirn went out a trial In th ntktie cf ths rlvrr th en itu ivai arnyn tn c' xxir'g ot i Aiitr a u17 ncurs Wall pieuft t( lMrd tuaud auiutig tn rd snd'th best puttied into I r' tho A 7 1 VIOLETTA L2 River Rouge Begin When It Gets $140000 us le nolr hrd from Cleve land up to thi lm" 'said PrsMtJrnt Man 1) Het run Klvtr Jlauf last night sre Ulnvnl rHve thetlho suits holding tbs sewer rnonry 'd Cievelnpd lmv en dltmlascd and that Una tnonvy Hill bo Iti vur banks hern soins time nXt week is criminal to fael 'he more? ba Jiker floutm Is lsconling thickly an vr nr row an abMiit rrkeslty th water from our streets Is carri 4 the House by gutters al the side of th road and tbeee uti sis a hiur'to th hshl of tn cmn munlty But it now lo as If uur troubles are at an rtid uml that some time nertt month th real work or piscine rev era tor the vlflag wt 1' i In vpcra $400 $450 $500 on of Wil tOIP nt'irtrd out It P(hmI mil 2 81 Special Intro ductory Price A Heal Gm sparkling Titli tuneful melodies highly recommend tt Visit our Miteic Dept Grinnell Bros lernnii for the Mho for ret to WOtider develop any bint this forsaken wn none hut th babe was dressed in exquisitely film things and a roll of daluty "handmade apparel wm placed as a of shield agan it th 'cold Well the little Indv from the Xn rvlicre land behaved eo prnttlly and developed such alluring traits that the lltirmalii decided they Mayor and CommiMioner Both Trying to Ruh the Two orces our members of the Wvnndotte police dportninf namely iTicn Papke Lorenz Thun and Wal cott been appointed policemen by the pollen commission their jobs have been abolished by tbs city council to beat out tlm police commission jt I said that at Mon day masting Oftthe council Mayor McGlaughiin vvlil'natne them firemen vvpn they will be under thQrdrs ot mayor Instead ot tti pollen commission and will kept on tho city hpoka as rtrernen when in reality they will police men Tho city has ten firemen two William Jloberts and John Hogan pct us driver and Janitor respective ly There is a chief and an usslst nnt and six regular firemen In case the force is not large enough nt a tire extra men are called from the crowd and pHlJ t5O each It Is probable that McCloy a Democrat will bo named a fire chiaf and will act as chief of police under the uew order ot thing while' the man 'named as aseUtant Mr and Mr Arthur Jani1 Ju Lviv uml inuuliti of sine th n) man npjw a rcpori to tlv pnh Wednesday (light that th subject to irrHiioitnl spells o' these lr with ids want to give Imr up They have a lit tlu one of their own to sure but thy blieve th room fnr on nrnre axiom and atrivlghtun ay adopted Miss Lucile Into their hearts and horn Meanwhile over in th LyceumVaughan Baser who rmto rlous antipathy fur diauif und take wan purling on Hair to the Al cvry ona knows the Heir is a hiby who nti illy Is rp rntd by a limp unit mute rug do)L Hut Mr ith his wontd realistic tcnihcy bear tn sny rag baby rake" he cried xve have a rnl live btby the kind tlmt yells mu) chiu klea and pulls uur hair amt nit thnt sort of tbing?" Just then ih property man hove Into sight "Sue wo he cried joyously bring you the flm st kid Detroit nn you that uct hr part ns well as if'd slm'd been in stock for That is how the dial Inetfou ot being th ntr of blq dramatic hub bull coming tn this chubby llttlu Mms Nobody of Nowhr who makes ler first bow to tliu big world at the Lycum tonight It i will Jerenynh DreniMntOt the court city attorney 'Axsoclal ion City lo little singer missing Patrolman Wib Take rlnd Out for Plaasura Ride Tvroltrtam wip tt vat'on is fb proud fr ot iun er ever a psU be Laent bf entire lb ib bot tor and 'ii oHicors nny pit on th nivr tiu tiU su'umtt th beat te wsntcr rbi rtwa whteti tut: tt'safn Clsr th first rln ef ll xlud Ever since If haw tr lrtalil It ha lrH aclhic qi rh It t'frii tor hslt'e don ysrvtwi then h'lfVs run rht wt4 tt to wharf b'H fr some rS r't or othr ft hw hsbtt hen tn ta river rntrtna Uhi wind Mnn Thursday Mb bi and a frtnd who did hot AvW toe a aia( ri4rn 4 iidn Sin blsn smonj Ztiit tsLird nU xouM rcoe it After Hti the present time the mar ha of the city has acted as str! commissioner What change will made in' I regard tomorrow night 3a not kiiuvvn Prank Wolcott who It is said win ie appointed nc of the police firemen Monday night is nw filling tlm vacancy eaut yd liy the resignation Marshal7vm Headman it is said that a PPuint probate Me Journal i evidently iipui him about Hi barrow He 4 This unique and artistic ware is made up in sev eral different fini he? brush brass and copper yerdc antique brass and copper and oxidized silver to of her ago harie ILjr man the Iciim thatr leaving hi home ome vhere tween 7JA and clock In the evening hl way tn the lbitr when bin fc were tdayt and (ie frextt bents qi Irk by tt Hight bf tv 'tiny blllxllo of eoft whh on the door tr "Glory La" triad rtnan at tli II dirtmd i ml neighborhood There have (rmq varlouM Buch nn old pushing along hie lairow ging step but itiA I gut no definite clue to hi I about William fuiimt the old men on fiek' avenue a' nveuuo word of with Whn the money man dropped tn at th hwtne ot Mr A Mellen 15 Klxteonth 'wireet and said that he would give a dollar for a mm rlt ropy of' The Sunday I rrrest She wa very much rnrprid dollar Cor seeterUy rec paid Mr Mellen faid the mney mn It fur rue nl onf vf tncLM ntjjv bills Uit took her about ra rnlnui gather up th paper nd he Kivji a bBI Porter tret between Lightaentrt and Xinctenlhtrv wa th nxt nlrtce to vlalml by the money man but not able to glv aoy monev away He found one woman with utmost' complete Lui he refused to rive a dollar ury he pa ctmdit nr i The whole mutter being Th tact I that some ot me Officer detailed to run don Chinese unlx Drily in th country I were eltouetiivr too aclir in Chl tcanx for wnrs there ai hundrd ot Chhi thtra wornwboloalc arrest mrt ral i ar ago In th Chlnc quartf Tbt i place thj burden of proof upon Any Cbtraman I my be made to prove upon he ba a right its the Vottcd i State The result Ht out perhap huadred arreata madu in unoxnctf iht if that Isn't nl live iiabv toopd down to the hclphaa in ti waL pend into tho opening protecting wall and discovered the pink and whites baldness of a very new baby onn 'caaion upon ho invlhr how self with roeetr Mun hlu wife did HormanHngriy he carried hia tringa llt tio unruen mck into calling lomllv tor That gentle lady's )ans evening were shattered gpl everything while' she work to undo tho bundle nig lu tncru wouia of th identity of this mite of chubbiness Tl I lonry dmst lit nnj hl upon him' hit mluiir VotV hlcil II hi hom atmue Wednaj aflorm been foitml nt last qrij4 nlgiii Lizzie Rice 16 With Her $25 ot 'Money' rlzid ltlXe Iiged to 1419 EriKt Jeffertmii revenue prominent ftu tt singer In tho local five dent a teiH whs reported to the nolle last night fl mlkfiing from her honrn Rince Thursday morning When she left her mother kHve her 425 to pay rmveinl bill down town iind when she 1I1' not return Thursday night Mrs Hie called at her creditor and found the bills unpaid riday nlghv Ml Rice was Been In Detroit by a friend The 'girlmid thert' that'' she thought alio would go to ToeJo Lt night the missing girl's Jrother Burrel! Rice callil at the central station and askmi squad SHOOTS AT Great Lakes Workman Bath to Save His Life Elmer Hr haul Bxtavla aveny BfV'r Itonee mpleycd at the Great Luv Lhi works' was thrown into ttv river by fellowswoiktueu to wv il llfd JI now at th Kolvay hultil suffering from serious bums on hl ft and fit LouH I a machinist's asalataut und us tli then of th accident was arryinc a firepcf Hoine coni dropped On guso Jln recently ollied Si Louis found himself In a bt of fisme ltmr ho could gel away bls clothing caught fire Othar workmen dragged him to th river and threw him In to exitrculsh the fljmeti 'Th LIKE To KNOW Hi AV gray our whiskers will be Lefbre that wherlff aiidltors case will be finlhd and 'we wjl pgr our money that ba been held up know that we won't pr it" ald Deputy Sheriff Dnnlel Campbell yest rdav Tim semi monthly ratlin to me which uf th I8 prn SH' deptftks irtmiild get their pay was held Inlu Io Murphy's room yesterday ntorping Deputy it pl ff and Rosolowskl vvert the 'gmtlM" Judgs Murphy Hosmer and Man dell are working' mi their decision on the suit by campbeJI to recover his nay which was held ut for two week through the auditor refusing to pay more than Ifl of thf 18 process deputies It 1 not known whether this case will le hold to decide all the cases' pond ing or whether a aenaratc uult must tried for each deputy is an inclination Immigration officers tn interpretation government Chtno in vvavnington t'expresaed in a dUpatch from Capitol stating tho of Sargent iji Two Ypsi Ann Cars Had Right ot Way on Same Track That a second huad pn collision on the Ypl Ann suburban lino was narrowly averted two day after tho accident at Denton which kiHd ton persons was practically admitted the wreck inquest beforo t'ot oner Parker yesterday morning When aaked by Assistant Prose cutor Robison it he did not give an east bound and a wort bound car tho right of way over three miles of track at tho sumo time Dispatcher Lster Harrington replied: "May bo I did If I did I was wrong" A Ypsilanti man who appeared to have some Inside Information from the office there came into Detroit riday night to lay cer tain matters before Mr Robison and from this information Mr Itobieon was able to conduct an examination of Herrington yesterday which showed ronitllng to be verv 'Joose jn the dispatching system The ex amination yesterday tndrnlng in thia regard was practically as follows: "Was' train 13 dispatched from Jackson and was train 24 dispatched from Addison a April 39: asked prosecutor "Yes" jeplted the dispatcher Jfe Remember Hie scheduled meeting place of 13 and 2 to he at Ypsilanti at 9:30 asked Mr Robinson and the dispatcher replied "Yew" "Did 1 phon at Ypsilanti that 24 had not reached ther and did you ordr to proceed to Harris's switch for orders?" was tlo next question remember maybe I did" raid Harrington 1 reached did you say: will meet 2t at Cook's and did you also iH the conductor of 15 that he would up 2G at ck's' and did you 'tii the conductor to fn outre at Jlck for ordurs about tfng 26?" may no tnat wua tne oraer said Harrington know I have some rouoiiectlon of it" did you say to tlm conduc tor of 19: 'Remember you arc to meet 21 at Smith's" and did the conductor reply: TTi4Mt 24 at Si il i il 8 1 i meet 24 at Then did Mr Harrington say: 'DM I meet 24 at I meant tq 1'4 at Smith a Might Have Been Wrong To these questions' Hai i ington re olled with uncertainty saving: I did if I did I was wrong" To uiioerstanu tie enect ur eucn a confusmn understood three miles for ami thn woman gav money man Return Lmue would naUitf Ltr Every 1 money man will nut buy them The lueky One Ttvco who were foriunste oriough to called on Tt Monday and Tueiay nra: Louis Wir 1 VlrWod avenu Mr A Hei uliigaway 397 Twenty tOurth tretl Mr Bryan 14 a venire A II Myrtletreed Mr James Boyd 4 street Mr Thoa OBrten 1 Twentieth street Jam twmlin 3L Abbott trel Mr A Mllng mnih Mr borer 11 Elm irt Mrs Mary A John son 2 Hobadn avenue I Hanra han 18 etrt Wladasr Mm Knapp Victoria Walkerville: John McCarthy lu ftUnlrn houJH lcU lUmrkhf 11 street ft Ind or: Mr 7 leming 22 London Street IVIfHUor Tomorrow to monty man 1 Ing bnv rn rm ro copies The 1 rn rca rund all part city will tttl and Tue Ur will mak a trip 'A lndr Wlkrvtll and Sandwich "here he will buy up five taprA AH of th paper mni lempite or tie money man will s0? btn them Hungarian Reaiats Arrest arid MaMHTHIa Escape'' nmip pharlc Layman of Wj andottc 'harrvwly esuapu! being Hhot In plkhl by i Hun garian wjioni was trying to ar rcMt Uyrnan had been given a warrant to rve on the Hungarian and fjn tlio approach or JLuymun and a Crowd of Hungarian drew re volver and held theql at bay See ing Layman in the crowd he placed i revolver In his poyker and while Layman wa tor it 'the Hungarian drew the weapon and ahot at Lay map the bullet missing him but tearing hl clothing Hungarian then rap out of tiie Jqr The crowd" bldcked Layman's way to the door and thus prevented the BABE OUAD ON DOOR STEP WILL MAKE DEBUT IN DRAMA TONIGHT a Baby Lucile I Icrman ound by Property Man of Lyceum Plava 1 itle Role in to OXORDS OR Our $250 specials In fine Kid Tan and Black Cali and Patent Leather? in lace and Blucher effects wide medium and harrow' toes Every new ytyle creation here at choice the pair nodi' Sfeond 7oor) OXORDS OR In nil tho fashionable new shape Tan and bihck txii atuj uau aisopnicni uentners in uie pmnniug new tuedium und narrow toe effects: laco and Blucncr patterns nt per pair Depart incnt) YE CO THE MONEY: HAN 1 Henry Audrain at Lr Cannot Tell Wliue Has Been Andrian with q4 grriy gi vv 67 ynn inging Pts vv' sw I'x: ILit Mil Mail Orders Carefully illed 1 1 nn nt th nt on vOnitderAOi drittur wr Ing lrsdnntna of th nw Hip pr ot th untry a yl Icncl fail pag dtply tblj wk of Kans irdnstrta advantages nt ent th Manu asaCiHn that city irst ftt th lny lrtig nw pPrf the country chds by th pahlpltv cyinmlti KnUIy I Th IT Tn rt tmn rCrr1 to pvrimut ourty tn flt me Durt fM IT ndUnapoliS Nw Cincinnati Kn qurr Ji tlbr rhndipM Time Chronicle bw York Tint Xw Terk World tirnoklyn Log 4 OrdlnatMn srl for older: Ihr XVnrlil Plb) fei Inti this uiurriliu Itev lor Hi th tindstt Conrrnsstlnu ii will aasune hl Cutlet May 2' Th body of Carl SctfllkrsiJi' ton will 1 litiriml III llrow iim day Mr Hrhvknwht wnn 57 ud an wld si tent ot tho mui Tii Tirnlwi Kpwortli I Hi ITldnl pr xMent i'it' nr te LUllun Itk'liardii Anna fiinun: twry Mri 1r Nichol MKC SMI hsln IJIddlo avi V'ritett'' Mi nu iit iowitlk mid triai tured her 1 Prln (1 th trn in Th Wyurdott council i nuuiclpul boir vvtlt bo the u' VVvapdutt Huklue a smoker tn ba glvn in 'iiontli 'hen municipal bo din used Nlvrsh CLIaum of River Bvui dwy clid eight saloon th v' 1' which I nd fall il up th prviwnt a Ihens ie lpt 'uill be atV nytl to rtoprll nnt'l 1 cu' tbn neeesiwiiy bonds mnl 1 llsv A It Johns of Vo tbh wtk Pt Itelflhmr for t'uilua hte abmu'r Ms pulpit ill i SiicgaSalve Huntlfty ltv P' VVathl'Uru Rev VV If 'I emi 10 liMvlhi of Detroit and Hrant of York Jilvt Municipal Oha'11 jpisaloh ha 1i) left after heli lnx port the ton Indigent tanill'" J1' las rturlniy the winter A fun was raireq nt a charity hall monoy ha bon distributed by mine The AVysnlrit Ittn club 1' following ortteer Preapient Liiifliols i iiriknt John ecretsry Dr Kowbeer: tr Dr if Uonorj exuttvr! Vineland A lilt rna 111 Unhe at Wyaminp Heights and the first Tt ot Wayne and that 1 nn mile eat Smith's that If Harrlnartoq did giv urh an order to tbe" conductor of 12 he half Admitted It fu to the wits tht nr caure given over same Thre was tome confusing tertl mony nt session of th inquest Harrington Insists that the limited ir did not stop at for orders Harry McCrooaen who was a passenger a bar it of the limit'1 car also syt ths cor did not glop Miss Ida May liar rl who llv nPIon switch rirntered that the limited did stop there aj that th con ductor wi nt Into the tffiuphono booth nys Car Hid flop There is one more man who win probably testify aa did Miss Harris He is Charles Sanderson of Ann Ar bor who was injured on the limited Ho declares that the car did atop at tho rwitch These statements make the testimony of Conductor Mnd of ths limited very important Made still In the hospital st Ann Ar bor William Parson division su perintendent of the Detroit United railway also was a wjtn' rind raid that tn an Interview with Con ductor Meade at the hospital Meade said hn rcmmherd something about ordery at but be couldn't ti ll what' Th lnqtit wm adjourned until Monday morning at 0:20 Assistant Prosecuting Attorney rtobhu'on xvill go abend with th chulte murder trial Monday and Prosecutor Yerkes will have charge of the inquest from now on Con ductor Wlngrovc of the local will be one of the witnesses at Munday's eession Some of the Important wit nesses who arc ti)l to be atnlne! arc Mft Charlotte Chamberlain a nd five others In 'Ann Arbor hospitals besides Conductor Meade most im portant ot'aJL Theic is 'harl Sand' rkori also who is still laid up by his Injuries In Ann Arbor Con ductor Collum will bn an important witness but he is at his home In Jackson with a broken leg Court In Hospital That the inquc rnay be con ducted rpeeillly it' proteiblo xthat an unusual cour will followed It Is quite likely Cha or Wednopday Of Hila week the coron Jury be taken to Ann Ar bor and court at the hiids of the various witnesoa who arc iitlll laid up Most' of the' Injured oii have broken bones and It will be some time fore they can he moved or that reason It is con templated to move the Jury and hold court In the hospitals and the homes of the witnesses Tbe ree Press Money Maa Will be out again on Monday next buying up copies of next ree He pays 41 each for same He Is Hable to call on you Be sure and have next Sunday's i re Up to $200 Hand Made Hat Ready for trimming Made of pyrdxlln bra Iff wed by hand over wire frame in the newest Parisian shapes fr dm wear: b1ik and all 4 colors: ILJLI choice gWW New DolIar Bili Given for Com plete Copies 'of Sun day ree Press Have you met The: Detroit Pres money mjjn? Bright early lust Monday morning lYee Pfess money man left Tho Press with ten new one dollar to buy up complete copies of paper visited many streets that not been touched by Llm rince he has been giving money away and ns 'a rvsult ho made ten person happy among them being two lit tle boy onu'on Vtnwond avenue and th other on ourteenth tret Ua firt visited Abbott street be tween Tenth und Twelfth and called at many'iwmw before was ably I a kiva ftwuy I mono Many persons uloiij? tbn had I voplcs of Th0 Vreo rrc but hi I several the papers were nH complete When tie th' liftin' ot Jsme Donllti 3v3 Abbott st et a omplcto copy nf the pa per was awaiting him Mr DonJln happened to ut' home when the money man Called and after iuiug given the dollar tor hte aprh invited th money man call every Monday Th ree has been a member rot fits family tvr year near vinewood hint to utlen tiuabour His oecasloniil were so iotgh(l up with 1 that hl story could not Where he had been nJ lu tell tint hen Janlsee Hi les aon in biw ihuu up seen with IW'i frlf pds Ih was joyous oil Jaiite' Llut Inb i thnt would to get sunu sleep "Where the old nun wheelbarrow und whore he pinvi ii ml uluhtH net ie out to roam the city could learned from th td mnn night Ilv was tuo glad to friends again to 1 It ot n' le ORGET Extra Special in Linen Lawn he quality a full yard wtd ntj nnot nought nt wholesale for 1 thr 75c Hut a mftiifiturer el 1 out blsr5n' surpto tok of this numbr we neti wrse THE DETROIT REE' PRESS if M6 i' 4 7 wan ttlH! out of Chicago oniv te Chin mould tea decried T'lr otL 5 Who pad been arrested and pul In jtl tor weverai week and who wer lhn abte to etUbllsh their right In country were highly Indlgnani td much trouble xn eud by thi too active cuitpl(n of offi Ctra lAark prdr "The rsult wa tht th 4prt msnt ni isia urdr th 'So ibr The measure to enforce th Im migration are lu It Land ot the nt th department Whn he found that much bte ctuiM by IndHcrmimat retn Chin ordered that this active interior work ut It nwdo ptein that ibis burden of proof not plated lo carele ly upon th and tlmt th bj armied uix there VS well founded uplr4ru that they ha no right brc fo In th last Ihr jrer m't of tJ Work dor tn on harder among Imnmlng Chinamen When a man com over th rivr here uniisr auspicious lrrumlm is placed uniter arrt but it oqM no: ooi policy to go Into ell tho restaurant for jntanr whrr Chip are npl0vd and urat these ron throw them Intn Jali itjni meke tt prom they have a right here" In 1501 ther were sboyt 3b Chi nese arroted in Detroit and vicin ity an) lu the mor trn thro yer slrofi that tlm only but 30 bat bn arrtd The local off)r ciare hvwvtar that the w' order had nothing do wti this iterresetng numb' ofarr sis isMd that sine the riifln gov ernment ratend It Chinese ntry tax from 1109 to the number of Cntnese eomtng over from thnt stu great ncraseu ni i llered ni'rount fortfctt (5Wfr rts since ttKH Lfi The Greatest Purchase of Silk Petticoats Ever Made By a Detroit irm The samples ai a manufacturer whoe styles arc universally copied AT HAL PRICE OUMIGM Sheer White abrics or the frock of the Sweet Girl Gudurdr the June Bride and all women who arc planning to have dainty white gowns for summer Monday will re extra jtccial prices throughout our White Goods Section equal to those indicated below: 2 tni tlOX is Inches fine cvvn quality especially adapted for a ttenthf sh dre Monday only at 18c 3e I'KHMn LAW 4 inch whi fine imported quality tomorrow a 9Gd yard 4 wb Kan fflty Star Omaha fte ctevtlaM Bikin UrHr st! Mtlwattk Hnlnl Th of thi Ht 1tng metropolitan dHt eoncimies Kshm City's great rtlng uixut which nir of th West" hu tpndd an even twenty thmmnd dollar dur ing The rcauti has th a qulnitlon of over forty fac tories together with innumrab mail concern rrbleh fflnwd thre tk advantage of trtglo situaifon of th city a a manufacturing Ue L'pimj City's publicity commute In ite work of In eallgntlon end1f analylr has brought out wonderful' fsef Among them miy mentioned th: That Knits City He within lxty fiva mH of tho emter farm production of the whole country uiouy line of railway as Chicago n( th fast growing market In th coun try the Great that Kansn Cltv neaicst of 11 our Clikiu the center Of raw tert1 and th center of ti'Oiluc llon and of the geogrnphienl c' ntcr well the industrial center nixan City is tbi first th ymmrr American rnuncluHtl th launch vb Is now demonstrated tn rm the most sui cefol campaign of municipal publicity in the his tory of advertising and it la tt commentary upon the value of ad vertising media that nearly 70 par cent of appropriation has been ifi m4 rojivl flan pies Mr Geo Tefft Urman of the rommltte rf i rl to till feature of the cn mpri ign says: "Karr City hue rent pros of Its vin Kansan City believe In the nowpnpr when wo want to reach the factors' executive In his own town and )n hl own fiH with our tndutrlul tnaPe and fact ami figure divorced of special piadiig' a nd confined absolutely (o comparative data positively vfitdsl nn! authentic Wp attribute munt the tucce! ''t teir great mni to th? th newspaper space In the splendid of newa panere selected" 'Kan ite CHy' nfw celebrated book "'nctary acte? may be had bv any of our nri ap I'verw vl absolutely different from the others witlivttfLi iot or blemish The flounces of ctcii the lqwct frieed are extra wide LOT 1 Up to $10 Petticoats With all silk under rulIJe mad linvj taffetn vry full ilmo a vni extral zM) Stripes and all fancy nl fl ft nw shala OUU dioico Honda) LOT Handsome Up to $25 Styles Mad of Diesdim and all the dainty new shading solid Hk with embroidered nrt llk inbi oldr ana an rips laco married foutea lUaUU choir A I ter: rom 8 fo 12 o'clock Monday mutning lake your choice of patterns in niediuqi latgc figure small tile effect aho plank pattern in fact our entire line at COc all genuine Cork Linoleum? 2 jards wide ofUA at per square yard THAT Trimmed Hat Materia! at lowest prices in the city 1 here is no chance fdr an argument The greatest number of hats worn in the city come from our store where individual custom er? pay no more for a few flowers dr a shape than does milliner buying in quantities We wholesale to the retail trade Straw Hats Exactly Mali Price Jiict twice fh quality tor the usual jprlce you would pay So fast do th shapes leave ntir mr that we arc in ntent receipt of fresh stvle Including all the newest Widows" Co leu to match all the nw shades In cloth as well aa natural burnt and black In Yed4o lace chip and rough to TiilJJIner hpre tomorrow 60c 100 and 150 2 targe Tables of lowers AT RICK Lsrite Sfngl Ro JL'it seem to cry Jut from far! from every one of their silk velvet or linen rosettes flower da rsi field and garden flowers worth 7jc Lunch A' I A A 7 i 1 1 i I JSI hwaaMaMeMaMMMM 1 I i i I I Sk I' i 5 Ivv fl yd All perfect OS i JWT 1 al 5 1 di tn 298 0 vCl I JPh In IbfiR fl il 1 ilftil il lilt Eflii fl A A VISiriOUR 1 CORSET DEPARTMENT Ke Tn 0 King Co i 1 WUHMtfiV T7T rTmairiai 1 I A Copy I TBS" ydr'tr te te wa 'te riff r'S rV T'r vp "TT rw 7 i V4 i rte 5 I 5 7 jflhk 'QMT VIOLKTTA kTRCATTucGCsaTajH iay 1 CSK I 'fe 1 Im '1 I 1 4 )NE i I 1 JLZZ 1 7 1 I 1 i I I to i EL II 4.

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