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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • Page 17
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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • Page 17

Detroit, Michigan
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Rain And Cold Prevent Tigers Froni Engaging Nashville In First Game BOOSTER FI YES COBBMEN ARE KEPT Officer, He's In Again! Archdeacon Is Member Of Washington Club This Time. $100,000 Movie Offer Accepted By Lengleii IDLE FOR RICKARD FOES UNITE TO GAIN MAJOR BOUTS i ii it-- hi --jajii jlr, rraae. prH Str lha Altt fr t.eagtets sas tentatively accepted aa ar ga In ta I ailed state atetf Oet-er mmm tat aaalbsa gteSara Stat baaed aa bee aavcl, Meaaaraada at aaeaeat alsrae) tans ftrna eaverlng lb aaettna geriara acting and awar wrtltag ar la law traal alar darlaai l'- Tb er accented by Sill. I.eagtea that as by llllaaa II. rtekeaa.

rerealatl I. aaaaag MaraM fried" rle bera early IkU week, Mr. rickea- aSTer, ll I aadetralaad. Iavte laa araal SI.aaX Weather It So Bad That Cobb Does Not Even Attempt Light Workout and Spring's Record Is Brok-en "Skull Practice" Is Indulged In Cold Makes Players Worry About Detroit BY HARRY BULLION. Nashville, April 8.

Cold, miserable weather that could be expected 1,000 mile nortli.of thii place, but not down here in April, turned the blood of the Tigerl cold today and caused them to murmur, "What must it be up in Detroit?" Rain accompanied by a stiff wind was pitching against the windows ef the special Pullmans as the train drew up cm a sidinu shortly after dawn this morning and heavy overcoats that were kept in convenient SPORTLIGHT "BvGpanttanq Rice looking far popular rula II should make hoalng and wrestling aeparata sport There ar anil two nr three aoser ground well ut la lha ranks why think ther I practically no difference. Ktrapt to as mora wreeltlitg than hosing Herlanhaeh, drat a wrttr, I oh nf th fw ha make na of hla former sport HI tdusi Idea Is to hit somebody with a left hand and 11 balur take II enure. I for this laae.m that he and Jack iwlaney ara the ton biggest eard In htilng to-day, nutsld of lump, eey, who I alao nutsid nf th ring t'ibt, IMS, Te TntKm, Ia.i LAUFERADDS CENTURY TITLE A1lilOlC X- -s. 'if t'giuniv VI) flSWY wn9HiraT0tV0LrrFLCER 'int fbtEiT MAN tH Csrrngta. by Msieapdnaa Rjyl Promoters Sck to Curb Monopoly on Boxing Matches in East.

CLAIM EARLY VICTORY Failure of Tex to Sign Delaney Seen as First Step in Move. New Tork. April genttment of strictly anti-Kit kard nature, smoldering under cover sine that dlatant day when th gentleman In uuestlon ram out of th west, a atranger. In bag Madson Square Garden whit th boy looked flsed-ly out th window, had arrived at a point today wher rlvl Interests had tacitly unite for lha common good and concerted attempt to best the promoter out of ahat matches they might. It waa to be Klrkard agatnst the field, this time, with I'harley Htone-ham'e money and Influence working in avntpathy, at leaat.

with Humbert J. Ktifasy and his backers and th small ilmera who operat the popular priced club. 4 lalm Mlanr Vlrtnr. Already they are claiming a minor victory through Hlckard Inability to aign Jack Delaney. th most popular fighter on Broadway, fur a return bout with Paul flerienba, It waa taken aa ignlftcant thai when Hlckard emerged from th comnilaa'on office th othr day 1'et Itellly, I'elaney'S manager.

Immediately dlecured something of great InUrret hi th oppoatt direction. They said that Krllly will not play ball with Hlckard for some reason and la ready to atrlng along with Kugasy at Kbbets' field, (t may worthy uf mention thai this waa made with almost Incongruous glee by Jimmy I' Forest, matchmaker for Hloneheia. at the Polo grounds III Out ef r'eld. Another attraction claimed by the anion la Harry Will, who la supposed to eatranged from Klckard beceue of hla belief that Tea had hindered rather than helped hla attempts to get th lienipsey shot, It la aatd that Wills will play with Htoneham and th I'nlo grounds crowd. If the can interest iierrfpaey all.

Jf they ran't, will go with th man who ran. So much for the big timers, Th penny. ant hoys, uaually Indifferent toward Hlckard activities, irt supposed to meet tomorrow to discus waya and means and lot of other bright Ideas. Thev ar out In th open against Hlckard. too, having been forced to thla attitude by the fact that Teg aeetna very ant-Ions to skim the cream with dispatch and great thoroughness Tare Areaaa I fteaaaa.

Itirkard has alienated all comers by hla plan to operate three arenas this summer, for the simple re a eon that these plants will mekr a ptay for all ty pes of bouts, good, bad and Indtlferent He has the Yankee stadium for big shots: Madison rlquare tiarden. Its atmosphere chilled below nut-door temperatarea, for moderate priced shows and Boyle's Thirty Acre, Jersey t'lty, for II to 13 nuisance that k.ep th small hi tie alive. In view of the eonaequencea urh a program may develop. It Is nnt aurpnsing that the ho) a ar muttering in their herda. New York.

Af.rll I Tt Ittrkard. New York proinorer. who hurt In-tended to go to t'hlcagn this week "on bnelnees." hss hitifM ptsna and Will not go until after April It was understood that Itlcksrd Intended to meet Jak Itempsey In BY FEG MURRAY. Her. la Maurice Archdeacon, known aa "the fastest man In baseball." and who la now on of th aubatltutea for Clark UrlftUh'a outfield Atilt-deacon la alao known aa something of an In-and-outer, being In the big leagues one year and out the next.

This ia his "In" year, end "Hurky Hauls should make good use or him aa a pinch-hitter and pinch-runner for some of his slower-footed regulars. Arrhdeacon'a work fn a eertaln game In HtZ! aland tint vividly In my memory. It was la 4 hleago see her Jul? afiernotiN at Cntnleker I'ark wllk the White Ha entertaining Hebe Hulk and the Vankee In a contest as parked with thrills mm Ik chariot rare scene la Ben Hue. One of the feat urea of th afternoon waa th. flashy work of the tiny Mr.

Archdeacon, White Sog outfielder, who scoreo" three of his team' four runs, and got flv hit out of eight tlmea at hat Sgainst 8am Jones, Milt Gaston, and Herb Tennock. And Maurice, who waa hatting In lead-off poaltlon, waa a treat to watch at the plate, aa he repeatedly fooled the Yankee Infield with dinky little hunt that beat out with hie smaiing speed or, when they'd close In on him. with perfect little pops Just over their heads. Oh, yes, Bab Huth won the gam. In th.

fourteenth with horn. run. Maarlre'a Href try at th maters waa with the Braves Nse nr al yenra ago, wars he waa nurrhaaed from t'harleetoa nf the South Atlantic leagne. That waa before the anc had made that aontkern city famous, or they might have kept Archie beeanae nf Ma apeed afoot. Wha f.eorge "tatting bought the llockeater eluh he took Arrhdenena along with him, and fnr tne year the mite epeeil-boy developed rapidly and akowed that he had ansae thing aaefal around a ball-grid beatde a fast pair af knots.

Archdeacon went to the Sot at th tall end of the 12J aeason and Immediately established a worid'a record by getting on base the 41 1 at time up In each of It la flint eight games. Then, after leading the American leugue in batting fur a while, he nnlshed up th 1SJ4 aeason ith tin average of .31 compiled In ninety-five games. So now. after another yenr In the minors, this time with Itnltluiore, where he baited I2U. Maurice Archdeacua la a aedale Senator, hut atlll "the fastest man la baarhnll." FIRST TIME since tne club left Augusta, became Navin Field To Be Ready For Opener Thii Cheering Word Given Out by Tiger Ground-keeper.

Little More Sunshine AH That It Required, Say Conway. Peaplte heavy rains and of the paat Weeks, Navin field will be ready for th thouaand of fans who hav. purchase lUk.ts for th. op.nlng Am.rk.n next Tu.sday.

Nell Conway, groundk.ep.r, returned today from Auguata Ga wher. th Tiger hav training, and found th playlt flcd excellent nimpc, cnniorlng the weather. The outfield t. apota. i.

aa miaht st might be expected. rains i 11 had left the earth and the ground vain, art. me moisture well A little more sunshine like Thura- Put 'he park In fine condition. Those hold-era of tlrkete who. because of con-tlnued sullen skies already are worrying about th possibility of the opener being poetponed.

have no scus for alarm, fn the ground-keeper a opinion, now. Onlv a rainy or snowy Tueaday will block the conteat he said. Th bleacher seata hav been In-atalled and arrangementa hav been made to accomodate at leaat 40.000 persons. WALTONS TURN AGAINST DUG President of Sportsmen Body Prevented From Taking Chair at Convention. Chicago, April 8.

(By the Associated J'ress.) Will H. Dilg, Chicago founder and present president of the Jxnak Walton Sportsmen's legue. today was ousted as chairman Just after he called to order the opening session of the fourth annual convention. The rap of the gavel precipitated a clamorous, outbreak among the i Aft, national delegates, which continued until the league by-laws had been amended and a temporary chairman elected. Professor Henry B.

Ward, of the t'nlvrralty of Iill-nols, was elected to prealde, and DUg retired. Charges of mismanagement of the league and efforts to dominate Its affairs were hack nf the movement which unsealed President Dllg and which is said to aim at his removal from the presiding office in the annual election. The controversy has been raging about the founder of the league for some time, and audi appellniinna as "cxar" and "king were directed at him from the convention floor today. The nominating commtttee will report tomorrow and another spirited session is anticipated. Inlg Is candidate for re-election as president.

mm mm 'mm Models at i6 to SIS 1 ll vMs OPEN TOURHEY AT RECREATION J. L. Hudson Company's Scjuad of 12 Team Opto City Pin Meet SINGLES, DOUBLES FRIDAY Several Good Combination Are Listen! Low Score on Firtt Night. With 43 (lv-met team trel, )atget a umber In th history ar tli vnl. the fourteenth annual ctty howling tnurnament apnet night at th Hecreation.

Th Ural maht glean pvr Hir tb frt which ws th Httdsnn Vn snuadi or It team Booster teams ai Witt eomprte the f'rttlay night with th flret shift of double and single listed early In th evening; liotihle. ripen Tldat' bowling at I nclock with th iBgle an hoar later, rmiowing tht hlft, two mar B'tuad ef booster team follow Steeelter' 4aat Mlgts. Th flrat souad Thuradar night wa led by liscelvlng Impartment nt th i. Itudann t', with a lofkl I ti It had gam lot! of I At and S4J ge.ottd plat went ti th slnmmn with I SSI aetomulat by game nf JJJ and M. ta etiber wa the mlf) fcor In glvtrig Kecelving ttepitmeat lha lead on Ih Br a.j tad It t-sether game of lit, tit and IS lor is tots) Incidentally, hi second gam uf lit wa tb bent ingle aani total ef th opening Millet! lloOSfer tt.

I lppf til cnnd cUd wltn Hot through gam total nf 4l, fit and tli ttppwtl e'tve landed In eveond alca on th 1st shut wltn After, rolling ant of stil nd 1,14 it t.i sit In th fltilahlng turn nit the ilMvei foilowtttg the flrat two day that given over to th Hooter leant the regular douttie and atngl cblule begin Mtiirdy afternoon clorh I'rnm then on tuna of th clt best known lineup on th drive. slea riaaaea aa Slat. ftoneter teams ar te p'w a prominent part of th cheilul at th beginning nf th wk irrtog 4ondy nlgh when four team from ih Ptc liecreattnti ar. scheduled to roll. Twalv alley nit ths seventh taatlaaed aa ftm TRAINER WALL DIES.

John Wall. tt yr old. who dltt in Highland far It hoptt( Thura. dy, on of th br known trnttlng ho' trainer tn th reentry, aa he erd many ttr nf htg rareer with m)r tblihmnta for th fw yr had hn wtiBj th ftevin ror frm of ayn county, lie came Im M.t bl-gan from I ailforni. Kurirl ir.

taitgerneitts ar p-otng tn arrival of a brother from California. CARPEMTERS Union Made Overalls For Carpenters and Electrician A Taal Saear A St Sr Tht particular garment can lwys he fount tn all six at "imm Piac. America' bttt Over. all. Union Made in every trade.

In blue, brown and white materials. Lowest service cost Overall on the market Try a Pair! Cat ttiw: hae yoar Mail OroVr. Fill Promptly. Genuine Duro-Cloth Moletkin Work Pants AMERICA'S GREATEST PANTS FOR MEN WHO WORK TK only work pant marl that wilt poaitie(y keep- out Crsats, Dirt, and Ar Wind Proof. Caa aa araaKaal lik avarall.

Caaaot shrink ar lU. 3nag-Prof. Specially $3.75 Priced Wa haa your si. warm mf Imitation 4S5 Brush Around Corner From Jefferson IS THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY In Detroit Da aot mUlt4 by atara aainf similar a met. Wm Havm Mor Imitmtor Than Hmmt Hat ttckltt for Your Protmettmn Bo Sato You Sm Sam art Oaor Sam't Homo loOi4 ait Broth Strtot Only.

tmWmT'Z Srra. irj tUCl iTcUj pliers in unoccupied upper berths g.rt'il garments once more. Half in fear that they would be compelled to either play or don uniforms for some nature of prac-tirf. the Tigers hung around the Amlrew Jackson hotel until nearly neon before being informed that neither would be attempted. From ihrn on the activities were limited to skull practice, which for some, it hard enough, and games of rhum or bridge.

It was more than a cheerless day for Tommy. McCarthy, who was released by wire from President Navin to the St. Paul of American association, with orders to report to Bob Connery's rlub in Tulsa, where it is plaving a series of exhibition jerries. Athlete Prefer Actios. Seated around the the bos impeded that McCarthy's (at was settled so far a the Tlrs art concerned when they aaw him going eut or the hotel with Becretary Arthur Sheahan.

One of thee little jutmts with Arthur and the doean't com back except to pack hi bal-gaie. Though the Tlgera rebelled at the thought of playing anything that required bate and baaeballa to make the gam official they would have p.eferrd action to whlllng away the time In- pursuit or fickle dam fortune or peering at moving nii-tures. Nearly six verku have been devoid of excitement of other than the dull training season specie ahtoh have caused the Tiger to beenme restless for1 the tlm to rente for hoarding: the train to it for the Inaugural festivities even If there la grave danger of to death. la Flrat Day Lost. It didn't seriously Interfere with cornlltlnnlng of the club to lose a (My h'r- Though th weather has km, lien nf th best, not an entire' dv was loat until this plac was airtirk.

harrlnir. of course, when the. hlue laws of Georgia were observed. And unless the weather la too to permit freedom of action on the parka to be vlelted en route the club will arrive In Detroit In condition to a point that won't cauee any While the pitchers have not stiiyed on the rubber longer than live innings In the exhibition gaiuee they could have per-formed over a longer stretch without suffering from the effects. I Cobb has not stated that he would, but It Is almost certain the pitchers he deems better fitted to pitch the first two games against Cleveland In tli if opening series of the champion-ship season will be aent at least ''veil Innings In the games with Mmiphls, where the training sea-Son will conclude.

Danes Probably Will Start. Kucpt to reiterate that four pit, -iters are considered a llkely e'atiera in the first game nf the pnnunt schedule. Menaaer Cobh de-. Uied he wasn't certain of the identity of the chap on whom the honor of challenging Cleveland be. fnte the coming out throng will he placed.

Whltfhill. Hnllatvav. Stoner tid are in the running for th glory that Is reflected on the starting mnundsman, hut there la 1'irklng suspicion In the minds of the cast that Oeorge Pause, who works equally effective In cold or rm weather, will he assigned to th ruhher the lest minute to parry the Indian thrusts I'atisa led the Detroit pitchers In effectiveness last year and six months more haven't exacted much f'om the arm that has been rlalng ant falling In rhythmic fashion for 'e T.gera over a atretih of 14 ars. With WhiiehiM. the veteran at' pears to be the host conditioned the pitchers and If preparation ft the first game will Injure In final choice of a pitcher It wouldn't be surprising to see the d-legged gunner take of the turret next Tuesday s'teiituun.

Fyfe's WOODWARD -XsSS mvAwwx hvtpt Cincinnati Star Wint 100-Yard Free Style Event in Fast Time. Agnes Ceraghty Lower Third International Record in Chicago Pool. hits go, April I i Br th Aa-elated l'rs. rVttr Latifar. youthful tar nf th rinclnnatl C.

A. team, tnn'ght added to hi laurels In lb National A. A. I', swimming championship by stroking In an sy victory for th t-vard fr atyt till narrowly missed th world's record fur ths event with tils tlm nf seconds Another Cincinnati awlmmr. Ruttedf.

second sod Arn llorg, Illinois A. CV" third. Johnny VYetsmolier, rcoid-holdr and previous champion (nr th distance, ws out b'u of ttlneaa Hplashing to hr third new International Indoor mark during th ineel, Agttra Ueraghty. of Ne York, raced th slop natch to make th US yard breat stroke In I I Last night she towered the feminine time th life, meter breast strok sod tb iilgiil faced raid tin ih afrok In IS second fla'. i Krlch rtadetnacher.

(iermsn auual- i kt st sr. who set a new record In taar n'gbt'a cotitpetlt ln fur the 33u vard loett a breet etrok. Ittl. rttgbt ntteaed hv mor then seconu tb record time for th ltl0-rd breast atroke, Hirni against tim. he trad the dtetati' In I 14 t-s Atfrett Whit, of th tils mpic tub, Han r'ranctct, rSimeton, retaltted hi till In th high aprlnghoard dt-tog event, scoring (41 IS point, f.sve rai.

of ntanford. sat second with tig II Walter lirandr. ttelrotl 4fhietc was third, attd lloet-i. in 'arroll. of the fttjrnpfc eittb, fourth.

In the meet ta i i nd ant Harry lllancy. th ctncinesii t' A. wtj Hour Leading all HAT STYLES SHAPES COLORS and TRIMS CdrUri. Carlarls' Carlarla' frlrl' Th ety awlnga down tb trark And th ensnaring rail I thunderbolt Right length in front of th p'k; And Ih hill atlll ho th thrill That com from th winning ery. And the aand dones reel to the thudding heel Aa the big bay th.tndere by, How fast I this itiin hurviran? How fast en a wild duck Art How fast I th rrrlon down th plain, I'nder western hT Cn he hold hi own when meets the besiT Where ktnas of Ih torf come frf Will he hare th stuff when be meet th test? Itld you ever see un a' War? A Champion.

A far as Kebruery a turtst from tlreat Neck, ltng Island, and another from New York City saw f'arlarl run at Tla Juan. They decided then and ther that If by ther in to be another Uan War. had arrived And It took no prt prophecy ti reach tht derision, Any hors that bet t'arlaria this aeaaon la pretty aura to crack a track record or a world record the same ttm. If this son of rharlsrla ha any weak cogs they hav yet to be f'mnd. He he apeed and atreogth, a sreat heart and beauty of motion unetualed on th tttrf Indsv, Man n' War may have had mor fir and dsh.

hut not even Man o' War had any ftner rhythm If thta horse Isn't a champion there la noaher else to look. Some Fifhts and Som Fighter. It has been suggeie) m-tr than one that a match hetween Tunney and ymtng litribllng srottid be a terrlhl thing to look at Th'a Isn't any wild gtis, It mttM only hecorn good fight with Tunney taking the aggreealve from th kick-off and going In fnr a knock-ut. Ho far this baa never been Tunnev a system, lie ha pteterred to watt for hi chne. Tntnv en punth, but up to date fttrthlfng has managed to conceal any wallop he may carry In bla youthful evafem If he can hit at ail.

Ii ie about time to kbk in with some nf the eeidrnr Any fight depend upon th fighters. Strtbllllg. faing Barletibach. would hav to rhecit tome of hla defensive stt(f uitd' the ring and exchange a few wallopa. fur Mar.

ieubai doesn't car a lot altout wastlcg hi evenlns Just tq get a bar decision. BsJ Looking. lull 1trnnn mad Jck tmpay -mk like mug for ten round Johnny Itiakn mde Tunney look had In l'tevelnd nd then be made Harletibs, lok had In New York. tfrer the Tunm-y-Hteko affslr In t'leveiattd. I'ievelalld boltog writer had maov harah thfngs to put to print tiene And ff'sito had Sew York writer aevieg the asm th'rtSS atoit fterlenhach.

Tf tht alro nt New Trt'k Bojtng lmmts- srtv other enrcn'lesion TWO STORES l'', YANKEES' HITTING MAKES TEAM STRONG Counted as a Joke When Training Began, Club Now Looms as Strong Contender for Pennant. "The Oats of The hi ireeo MMfts tHTVf OtXvOea) "'ft DfrtCON CntcLgi ee-tte tSCCSf Heist if it israas Ion recently that the Yattkeea were the hard'-at hitting ball club tlwtt was ever end that th pitching was much abov the nrdi" nary. It saems certain now that the Yankeea will he In th pennant rare with the Senator, the Athletics a it th Browns nad with four clubs so closely mat hed the American league, race ought to be a ree-fot -all from the first. The Yankees In th past, have never been renowned for team spirit, but they aeeni to have it this year, and it may have "me a a product' of the seveie panning which the club gut early in the training aeaegri. M'GRAfLETVES TO SEE JENNINGS He Thinks Condition Is Greatly Exaggerated.

Atlanta. Oa, April I the Associated I'ress.) John J. Mi draw, manager of th Sts York Giants, I leaving his team. In other hands here today In order to hurrv ta Ashevllle, N'. to aee his assistant.

Hujlilt who la ill there. Mc'lraw expressed th opinion that report to Jenning condition had hen ejagxeraied and that In not as ill as "the papers try to tinkt hm" Mrfirn added: "In the last letter I had from Jennings be said he wss Improving raptdiy lie went to Aehevtll to rest, having had the flu He also hart four ulcerated teeth removed. All thie taik ahout tuberculoai I think la pure fable." BAKER BOWLERS ANNEX HONORS Baker division bowling team topped the H. R. league at the end of both baivea and gained the J.

Whaling trophr" A regulation atae sliver bail waa trenenied to Joe captain of toe qu.n-ter. The team hae entered the. cttv tournament. Kvety niari on the team had an average for th season of mor than Jefferson division was champion tn 1925 TOD ROCKWELL GETS NEW POST Fnrh, TV Ar-rll fi A i fi Vr A Ho tfrwr rtr tr th rnt.s'jii'v xtxhiKnn 1 ta rr. ami a f-rtTi titrrtir a 5 re Sa 'm, will ht th tws4- hirl fno'nr rrtnrVmsH tM hy ih 1 bnirri iL" AND ADAMS New York.

April Ftuscnsll with Its uncertain ways, ma produce any kind of surprise during the regular season, but it can hardly equal what the training season produced In the New York Yankees. Not so many weeks ago. In their first week in their training rarnp. the former American league champions looked like a grammar school squad on a picnic. Thv appeared to be the only serlnua rival the Boston Red Sox had for last place.

But In a few weeks, aa If by the Influence of a magic wand, the Yattkeea became not only a ball chtb. but a dangerous ct, ntendcr for th American league pennant. They're Hitting Hard. The estimate of the strength of th Yankees is not baa.d entirely upon the form shown irt the exhibition series with th Brooklyn Hotiins. hut the heartless way in which they have high ciaas pitching means something.

For ilia first time since linbe Huth Joined the club, Miller ilugglns has a team that is not built tirottud Babe liutli. The lialie. trying des perately for a comehat k. la onlv one of the hail players now aritl even If, ho falls to come through the team will not suffer. There are many smart baseball men, friendly tonarj Huth, who believe he Is reaching the end of his string.

He Is In better pnysltal shape than he was Isst year, hut the hall nlavers who have ben watching him are of the opinion thai he has lost his ey. Babe la Preaard. Kven If he does not hit a flocfc of home rur.s. the ttahe wilt he a valuable ball player, hut he has not his job with I'aachal and Coilop on the bench waiting to step in. Wllbert Rnblnsnn.

manager of the Brooklyn club, expressed the optn- SECOND GAME TO EDMONTON Cleveland. O. April I IBy th Associated Press 1 Kdmont on -Commercial tirade, of Alberta, took the gjme of the" git Is' world basketball sTtea here tonight, defeating the Cleveland Newman-Sterna, 26 to It This gives the local girla a on point advantage, the standing 44 to 4J in their favor for the two games. The title tli be on a total acore basis for the five -game aerira. TRIP TO ITALY PLEASES HELEN larie.

April Jtelen Wills arrived here today from I'aiy. "We have had a lovely time vielttng beautiful o'd Italy." said Misa lii. plans have net vet been mad, but 1 probably play In aeverai tournaments here." CATCHERRICE NOTICE. Hire. forror catcher Ir.nnen rakes ie reoueeted to call Kerry Howifk at Arltrgton as soon a Shown From DISNEY STETSON BORSALINO and "OUR OWN HAT" I xptet v.

New "Highland" Rightly Named "A Gentleman's Shoe" taKY-TH 'Hatter 205 GRATI0T-I45 MICHIGAN OSTROtTS EXCLUSIVSNATTCT The leather ig a rtrtr grain tS srjr firtctt fluaiirv stykd exprwly tor Fyft't nd made for men who want tht rtr crtt-tiona in Sorina; footwear. ack or Tan, ohd lea thex; conitructton throtighout. tiOTt, We are exclusively Hatter, devoting our entire effort, to the Best HaU, for Men. and their care Our Repair Department is eonrJtn-ted by Elxpert Hatters who can tale care of any make of hat. Other Spring.

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